David Han

Post A Note - Type a message, and we'll deliver it on a laminated postcard


Type a message, and we will mail it. Seriously! We will print it on thick laminated cardstock and ship it in 3-5 business days.
- Takes 30 seconds.
- Costs $2.00 USD
- No sign-up. No ads. No email required!

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David Han
Hey! David here, I'm excited to launch my quarantine project. I've always loved sending and receiving mail from people I care about. That unexpected surprise of finding something personal in a sea of bills and marketing junk was always a highlight. However, the time required for putting together a card kept me from doing it as often as I would've liked. Buying a postcard could cost $1.00-2.00 Postage costs $0.35 Gas/time spent on getting these things = ??? I wanted to build a simple site to make this process easier and reduce it down to the only element that matters: The message. Things like sign-ups and email addresses seemed unnecessary. I just want to make an easy to use, ultra-performant app that feels like an express checkout lane. If you're curious on the technical details, this is built on the JAM stack. Am happy to talk more about it for those that are curious. I hope you like it!
Sam Charles
Just sent one to test it out. 🔥
Ignacio RodrĂ­guez
Awesome idea. Just got one to test. Only thing I didn't like is that I live outside the US and had to fake an address as the sender.
David Han
@ignacio_rodriguez1 Hey! Thanks for trying it out. I know this is a pain point for people who just want to send a postcard to someone in the States but dont live their themselves. Ideally, I would get a P.O box that i could set as the default return address. Thanks for addressing it!
Ghost Kitty
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Ben Stokes (Tiny Projectsđź’ˇ)
So cool! I've always thought about doing something like this. Absolutely hate the effort required to buy stamps and physically go out of your way to post a letter. If you could somehow create handwritten letters using AI that would be awesome. What are you using to print the letters? Are you doing this yourself? Brilliant execution. I would love to try it if it ever landed in the UK.
David Han
@tinyprojects Thanks! There are several service providers for creating and sending postcards via API.
Harsh Gelda
Is the service available for India too...? If not, till when will it be possible??