Michal Jach

Podium - web3, open source, ad free, free speech community network


Decentralized, open source, ad-free, free speech web3 community network. You make Podium with participating in Podium DAO, voting on features and contributing in code. Join web3 town square and create the platform by voting and deciding on features.

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Michal Jach
Join web3 town square where free speech is practiced, ads are non existent and people create the platform by voting and deciding on features. Ad-free forever. Free speech always. Open source supported. Decentralized and unhackable guaranteed. - Share your thoughts and spark conversation, - Showcase photos and media, - Finally be free from censorship and external politics guaranteed by blockchain technology. Power to the people. Future of social media and social networks is here. Friendly note: We recommend to use Rainbow Wallet app for fast and simple experience.