Marko Crnkovic

PLYR - Collegiate sports recruiting made simple.


PLYR is changing the way the collegiate sports recruiting process works. We aim to level the playing field and make exposure to college sports recruiters accessible to all athletes. For recruiters, we make it easy to find the best talent connect with them.

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Marko Crnkovic
The team worked tirelessly for 9 months on PLYR with one goal: level the collegiate sports recruiting playing field, pun intended. Getting recruited to play for colleges is a very expensive task. Having to travel across the country just to be in the same room as a recruiter, while footing the bill is not only a waste of time but impossible for millions of kids who don't have thousands of dollars to spend on their career. PLYR also includes a social aspect with a feed. Working in the way that Facebook's or Twitter's feeds work, it pulls curated content based on your interests right to your fingertips. The only difference is that PLYR's feed is highly focused towards the user's sport and is designed to make the athlete improve their game, or recruiter improve their search. Fellow hunters and makers: please give us great feedback, and spread the word about PLYR. The more people use PLYR the better it will get!
max :l
looks cool but the names owned by another company?
Marko Crnkovic
@cutiel0l Good observation. Our companies are in two vastly different fields, with different connotations towards the name itself. We've done our best to do our due diligence so that we don't step on any toes :)
Tom Bielecki
I like the concept. This post and website shows very little about what the product actually does. Show me a realistic playing card and what that might look like!
Marko Crnkovic
Thanks @tombielecki! We're definitely going to be adding more content to our website and socials in the near future. You can sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of the website if you'd like to be notified about our progress.