Hey PH :)
Plino is an intelligent spam filtering system built on top of spammy (https://github.com/prodicus/spammy) (a custom naive bayes spam classifer). You could integrate plino with email services like sendy (https://sendy.co/) or say cuttlefish (https://github.com/mlandauer/cut...)
You can try a Live demo @ (https://plino.herokuapp.com/)
- REST API provided. You can refer the API usage detials here (https://github.com/prodicus/plin...)
- High accuracy
- Classifier trained over 33,000 from the enron dataset
- Minimal downtime for service (thanks to the guys @ heroku
- built on top of the giant shoulders of nltk
- It's open sourced :)
Trivia: Try "I have kidnapped your son" in it.
Hope you like it! Happy to respond to your feedback.