Marc Thomas

Pleo Invoices - Streamline your invoices’ journey from start to finish


Pleo Invoices simplifies the entire invoice management process by giving you one handy place to process, approve, pay and bookkeep every bill your business receives. Only available for UK companies for now.

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Pierre Le Poulain
Hey everyone! 👋 I’m Pierre from Pleo’s marketing team. Today we’re super excited to announce the update of one of the coolest features we’ve been working on: Invoices Pleo Invoices allow you to process, approve, pay and bookkeep incoming invoices from your suppliers directly the Pleo app. Centralize expenses and purchase invoices in one intuitive platform: Here’s why you’ll love it: ⚡️Get your time back. Your team can upload invoices by forwarding them to your company’s unique Invoice email address or by snapping a photo from the mobile app. ❤️ Cash flow management made easy. Settle your invoices at a time that works for you – and your finances. Avoid late payment charges thanks to a whole new level of visibility. 💁‍♀️ Replace manual data entry with OCR technology. Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Pleo Invoices captures all the data it needs to process and digitize a bill. Saving you time, plus eliminating double entries and manual errors. 👀 Get a real-time overview. You’ll have one dashboard for all of your invoices, visible from the second they’re received. A full picture of what you owe – and when it’s due. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I hope you like what we’ve been working on. If you have any questions or feedback, I’m here to help 🕺 Special thanks to @iammarcthomas who hunted us!
Marc Thomas
This is such a huge problem for businesses of all sizes and managing it in even a small business is a nightmare Pumped to be able to hunt Pleo Invoices today as they start to make this process more integrated and smart Good luck team Pleo!
Antoine G
Congrats on the launch Pierre 🤗
Pierre Le Poulain
@ant0ine_gt thank you ❤️
Nurudin Mudhir
This product is a game-changer for our customers, something that is super user-friendly but solves major problems for most of our customers. Well done team on the launch - excited to let customers know!
Alexandrina Harabagiu
Very exciting launch guys, congrats! 🤩
Pierre Le Poulain
@alexandrina_harabagiu hehe glad you like it!
Adeline Lecellier
As a freelancer, I know that invoices are a nightmare. Very nice tool to help the accounting of small or large companies!
Pierre Le Poulain
@adeline_lecellier indeed, invoices are stressful! Glad you like it :)
Nicolai Lonne
Very nice feature - can't wait for this to be available for your DK customers. Any idea when that'll be? :-)
Amokrane Tamine
Congrats for the launch! As a freelancer, I wouldn’t say I struggle with invoices and accounting but I will give it a try and see how it compares to my current invoicing system (Stripe Invoices).
flo merian
Launching soon!
Finally, a simple way to manage invoices. It was about time! Will definitely share this with the team at Specify.
Pierre Le Poulain
@fmerian yaaaay! thanks man :)
Alfredo Bernal
What a great feature, can't wait to start using it! Congrats on the release!
Maia Singletary
This looks great!
Pierre Le Poulain
@maiauxd woohoo thanks Maia :)
Ryan Bonnici | Marketing
Sophie Brannon
Really exciting launch! Congrats!!
Atharva Johri
Great stuff! 🚀
Matias Vigil
Amazing product! Great Work!
Jessie Danyi
I've been hoping for this to become a reality! ❤️
James Yorston
Congrats @pierre_lepoulain managing invoices for small businesses is such a time consuming and costly task - great to see Pleo looking after their customers and offering this.