Your Multi-file AI Assistant Powered by ChatGPT4.
Shimon Tohami
Pizi — Your multi-file AI assistant powered by ChatGPT4
Pizi AI is an AI Multi-file Assistant powered by ChatGPT4. Easily summarize docs, translate across 100+ languages while maintaining original layouts solve complex math problems, and extract text from scanned PDFs.
Shimon Tohami
Pizi is a game-changer for interactive document conversations. This tool is a valuable asset for research, learning, and collaboration.
Otman Alami
did you use vision capabilities ? because vision of GPT4 is not so accurate when there is a lot of text
Jose Rodríguez
What a product. congrats. Why you are not on Productivity Directory? lots of people can find you
Shimon Tohami
@stan8086 How we are getting there?
Good project. Pizi
Brady Dowling
Love this! How is this different from some of the other AI document tools out there right now?
Shimon Tohami
@bradydowling Thanks !
Otman Alami
it's amazing you just need to sell use cases not the product
Ghost Kitty
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Aaliya Shah
🔌 Plugged in
Pizi AI sounds like the Swiss Army knife of AI assistants! From summarizing docs to solving complex math problems, it's got everything covered.
Avkash Kakdiya
Having a multi-file AI assistant powered by ChatGPT4 sounds super cool. Can't wait to see how it simplifies workflows and boosts productivity! Sending you all the positive vibes for a successful launch!
ran buganim
The best tool ever! Pizi will make your life much easier
Ling Ger
Looking awesome, great project