Tommy Jeff

Julius - Turn your Mac into a Bluetooth speaker

Julius is a Mac app to turn your Mac into a Bluetooth speaker

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Tommy Jeff
Hey Product Hunters, I am Aaron, founder of Pixel Egg Studio, today we are happy to launch a new Mac app called Julius, which turns your Mac into a Bluetooth speaker. AFAIK, Julius is the only Mac app which can make your Mac as a Bluetooth speaker, correct me if I am wrong. Julius can playback high quality audio streams from almost all Bluetooth devices, including Android Phone, iPhone, and other iOS devices. Please have check out Julius and leave your feedback here, I am around here for answering your questions. Feel free to ask me questions. :) Thanks for your interest and have a good day. Aaron Founder of Pixel Egg Studio
@ryh1113 I'm curious why I'd use my Mac as a Bluetooth speaker if I can play something directly from my Mac 🤔 Can you explain some use-cases that go beyond using it as a speaker?
Tommy Jeff
@amrith Hi, I treat Julius as a virtual bluetooth speaker for other mobile devices while I am not having a real bluetooth speaker. I think there are some use cases where a virtual bluetooth speaker is needed while I don't have a real bluetooth speaker near me. For example, If you need to playback your music in your phone, and want a louder or higher quality speaker, then you can use Julius on your Mac. (Of course, you can connect a more HI-FI speaker to your Mac to bring you the best music experience with more controls)
Christian Montoya
Clever idea and very useful when you don't have cables and want to play your music from your mobile device on your laptop or desktop's speakers!
Tommy Jeff
@cm0nt0y4 thank you for your interest.
Proton System
Doesn't work on Mojave.
This could be a perfect solution to send audio from any bluetooth device to an Apple Homepod using the Mac as a middleman. But it doensn't seem to work :/
Joe Ward
Very interesting. I connected my PC to my Macbook. However, the connection seemed to quickly drop. If this was stable, it would be very promising.
Cool idea(?), just wish the icon was original (It's an image of Runner from the BIT.TRIP games 🤔🤔🤔)
Herman van Boeijen

Don't rip off art. The icon is stolen from bit trip runner. That sucks


Nothing. Not touching it if I don't trust a company. Stealing artwork says you can't trust a company with other things too.


Don't rip off art. The icon is stolen from bit trip runner. That sucks

Raúl Iván Salazar
Its a bit weird, for a moment I tought this was an awesome idea... But for example if I want to play something in spotify I can just... play it from my phone into the spotify app in my mac... and that can be done with other apps as well... maybe you could use the software in other macs (and maybe windows too) so you could play the same music in multiple computers... you could turn a study group into a party with sorround sound lol. but as it is right now, just using a mac as a bluethoot speaker is kinda lame, Im sorry but right now the people that gets interested might just lose interest as fast as they got it. Something awesome would be using a phone as a webcam or microphone... or maybe use the phone as a trackpad... Also I would change the icon, I have seen that before.
Jess Hooks
Thanks for developing this. I have a mac I use as a media server and several apps, such as audible and radio shows embedded on websites do not have the 'play on...' features embedded in apps like Spotify. Again, thank you.
Tommy Jeff
@jess_hooks Thank you for your interest.
Aram Antó Coma
One more example, may be a corner case but I use it, I have a PS4 I want to use with my computer screen, since HDMI audio output doesn't work in this case (my screen only accepts video input through HDMI) I can use a bluetooth dongle connected to my PS4 that sends the audio to this Julius app and I can play through my mac speakers, great!
Oscar Ling-Cottey
Hi, I want to try out the free trial to see if this works, but whenever I open the app nothing happens. I own an iMac from late 2013, which runs on the latest OS software, and a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
Jeff Blakeman
My Echo Dot doesn't recognize Julius as an available Bluetooth Device. It just keeps searching for devices.
Liang Wu
Not work at all. bluetooth disconnect always