If only more people had used something like this in the countless wasted meetings I have been in. It's a great team working on optimising one of the most wasteful areas of business imo. Oh and they have a free version so it's easy to try out.
After you run your first meeting with Pinstriped, you will see, how wrong you did your meetings before. After you do three meetings with Pinstriped, you will get addicted to this app :)
Although I haven't tried it yet on a "real" meeting, the app seems intuitive and looks really great! I know a lot of products like this start off only in some selected countries and then expand, so I was wondering if the service is open globally right now? Also, is there a size limit on the attached files (sorry if I missed that somewhere :))?
@bauc123 Hi Barbara. First of all, thanks :) So far there is only an English version, but that apart, yes it is "open globally". There's a 100 file per meeting limit. Let us know how it goes in a real meeting or if you need any help at all.
Loving how neat looking and easy-to-use this is. To be honest, I haven’t tried a lot of meeting apps ‘cause they usually make me feel like I’m adding even more steps to an already cumbersome process. But Pinstriped feels like a shortcut.
Overall the app looks great and provides a framework for running meetings (something that most of us probably missing). Feels like it needs a little bit more polishing, but I'll certainly try using that for my next meeting.
I always try to run the PAO-F. Purpose, Agenda, Outcome - Followup, I find that structure gets everyone aligned. Are you guys looking at this product from an internal standpoint, or are you focusing on external stakeholders as well? Would be excellent functionality if I could share a proposed agenda and have outside stakeholders make their additions or if I proposed something that isn't in scope remove. Looks like you guys are solving a big problem in a lot of organizations.
@hook_taylor Our focus is on the type of meetings where things are discussed, decisions are made and actions agreed upon. Whether internal, external or a mix. E.g. Pinstriped is not developed with sales meetings and presentations (one way communication) in mind. Does that make sense? Our basic belief is that a meeting needs a "strong parent" and that everyone shouldn't be able to edit the agenda. There are many tools out there that are about team collaboration, but we're not one of them :) We are a tool for the meeting owner.
Having said that, we will get wiser as we learn from our users and will develop Pinstriped accordingly. Please let us know if you have more questions.
This tool is awesome. I am using it as much as possible and it makes every sort of meeting a lot easier. Even if you have online Meetings or a Skype call use it and you will notice how much better the whole outcome is. The app itself is beautiful and I like the design. Clean and structured. A must have!
I love Pinstripped. I host a weekly Zoom meeting as a Volunteer Coordinator. After each meeting. I send a copy of the meeting notes to the leadership team. I love how easy it is for them to view it on their phones and to print it with their action tasks. The only negative I have has to do with teaching me how to use each function in other ways. A webinar or tutorials would be helpful.
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