Hello Hunters! -- I'm Jaimee Newberry, co-founder at Picture This Clothing.
Picture This Clothing was launched on August 17, 2016 as a proof-of-concept with our initial focus on only dresses. Things really took off and we are so excited to announce we’ve added t-shirts for kids and grown ups!
Lots of great customer shares on our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pictur...
Happy to answer any questions that may pop up, or you can check out our site: picturethisclothing.com for more info.<3
Jaimee N.
@chloe_ecmp Chloe, We'd love to join you on your podcast. :)
I've done a few, if you want to check any out for "personality" fit or anything.
I've followed you on Twitter, feel free to DM me there to coordinate!
Thank you so much.
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eCommerce MasterPlan - Social Jukebox's Tim Fargo