@fpresencia@bentossell Sorry you had such a bad experience when you first tried to join, but PH has seen a lot of developer and designer centrics tools and libraries pop up here lately, and I'm just as likely if not more to find something interesting like that here that on HN these days. Hope you'll reconsider your involvement here. Things have certainly evolved in the last couple of year here!
@fpresencia@bentossell@hotmail I am a bit surprised Picnic was not hunted! I shared about Picnic in UX communities in Facebook group and people really loved it. There are many minimalistic CSS alternatives to Bootstrap. But Picnic has been the most welcomed one within my small circle of UX friends :)
I am following both HN and PH. They are both fantastic community and would like to see both evolved to be better. I really want to learn the changes as well so that I can bring that back to UX community I belong. I am a big fan of Picnic :)
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