PicDF allows you to create, compress, merge, split, rotate, bookmark, encrypt, decrypt PDF's and many more. PicDF offers a powerful suite of tools for PDF manipulation while still remaining easy to use and understand.
Ever faced PDF problems? Need to create a PDF quickly? Or is that homework you just completed too big to upload? PicDF is your one stop app to solve all your PDF creating and editing problems. You can easily create, compress and edit your pdf with the powerful tools we offer in our app.
During these pressing times education has now shifted to an online world. With almost all homework and assignments submitted as PDF there came a need for apps to quickly create PDF and edit them. That's where PicDF comes in.
PicDF was especially designed for children to easily generate PDF for submitting their homework. The core principle of the app was to remain as simple as possible without needing to compromise on features.
Thank you!!. Yes, I actually faced a lot of problems finding a good, fully free app for making PDF's and editing them. SmallPDF limits the number of times you can do operations and CamScanner is actually banned in my country. Hence the idea to create this app.
Thank you!!. Yes I believe I did disable UK during the app launch as I didn't quite understand the laws there for showing ads to children(first time making a proper app so just wanted to be on the safe side) . I am working on making a release there and it should be available in UK in a few days.
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