Test your profile photos for douchiness...
Jose Vieitez
Photofeeler 2.0 — Choose your profile photos using hard data

Choose your business, social, and dating photos using hard data about how you're coming across. Uses human opinions, data science, AI.

Jose Vieitez
Congrats to the PhotoFeeler team on their last big release! PhotoFeeler is crowdsourced photo testing. You test your photos for traits: competent, likable, influential, confident, authentic, fun, smart, trustworthy, attractive. Voters also write comments to give you specific insight about the impression they're getting or suggestions to improve your photo. Really polite and constructive community. The product's come a long way in the last year or so: - Now you can test photos for business, social, or dating profiles - Voting scale has changed to 0-3 with corresponding text of No, Somewhat, Yes, Very. Has made it way easier to vote and to interpret results - Displays results as Ranks (a percentile that pits you against all photos in their database, normalized by their algorithms for statistical accuracy) and a Scores breakdown that shows raw voting data - All-new design, interface, onboarding
Ann Pierce
@josevieitez Thanks for hunting us, Jose! We've definitely come a long way.
Bryan Dickens
Really love your feedback system built into this site. Good luck with the social currency model, it's a cool concept to run with.
Ann Pierce
@brdick Thanks Bryan!
Seamus Nally
I used this product to find my twitter and linkedIn photo. The most brilliant thing is its use of social currency. You rank other people's photos and in return they rank yours. The more you help rank others the more feedback you'll get on your own. It is pretty helpful to have more than just your mom's opinion of your picture before going ahead and making it the face you present to the world on the every growing number of public profiles we all have.
Ann Pierce
@seamus5 That's awesome to hear Seamus! Appreciate it
Jose Vieitez
Ran one of my recent photos through.... Darn, looks like I'll have to stop using it! Here are my results
Alex Bogusky
Wow. Great update. Cool idea. I see so many people making career damaging choices for their profile pics. Speaking of I need to re-test my photo. I recently changed it and I have a hunch it was a mistake. : )
Ann Pierce
@bogusky Haha thank you :)
Johnny Quach
OKcupid face test was edging on this. I'm glad someone has dedicated to it.
Ann Pierce
A PhotoFeeler founder here. Would love your feedback. Happy to answer any questions.