Bugrahan Zeki Kadak

PH Starter Kit by Formeer.io - 120+ resources for PH launch day

There is a lot of work to be done before and after PH launch day. We've collected all the useful resources for you in Notion. Hundreds of hand-picked and categorized resources are all in one place! And it's FREE.

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Bugrahan Zeki Kadak
🙌 Hi Hunters! As the "Formeer.io" team, we are excited to announce that we have bring together hundreds of resources needed for the launch day for you. In this kit, you will find golden information explaining what to do from pre-launch to post-launch. It may be interesting paradox, but we also benefited from these resources while making this launch 😄 We hope it will be useful enough for you too. Happy launches! 🗃️ +15 Categories 📚 Blogs, Articles, Tweets.. 🎧 Podcasts, Videos.. ✅ Checklists, tools.. 📈 Growth, sale and more... ❤️ We’d like to hear from you about this product or if you have any questions/feedbacks. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Barış Kaya
Thanks for this product & gz on the launch! Check this one right now, it will undoubtedly help our upcoming launch.
Bugrahan Zeki Kadak
@boroskoyo thanks! I'm happy that you like it.
Tuğçe Içözü
A useful guide for those preparing for the launch. It was fun to contribute. Congrats @bugrahannk @askintemel
Bugrahan Zeki Kadak
@tugce_icozu thank you, we are glad you like it.
Umut Sönmez
Thank you for sharing!
Askin Temel
@umut_sonmez thank you for your comment Umut 🙌🏻
Great kit!
Bugrahan Zeki Kadak
@maxwellcdavis thanks! I'm happy that you like it.
Moeen Mahmud
Exactly what I was looking for! Congrats on the launch
Bugrahan Zeki Kadak
@moeen_mahmud thanks! I'm glad it was useful.
Wes Kao
This is great! Stoked you all took the time to put these resources together.
Askin Temel
@weskao Wow great to see you here. Thanks for your great comment Wes Kao.
Ashley Porciuncula
I love it! Congratulations on the launch!
Askin Temel
@ashleymarinep Thank you Ashley. It's great that you like.
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
Just got the kit and it looks amazing! Can't wait to use it. I'm curious - which resources and tactics did you find most helpful with today's launch?
Askin Temel
@britt_joiner Thanks for your comment and good question Brittany. The tactic we use the most is definitely always to give benefit.
Fersat Ozcelik
Congrats on the launch. This resource will help me 🙌🏻
Askin Temel
@fersat I'm glad it's useful. Thanks for your comment Fersat.
Eren Gündüz
Congrats on the launch 🚀💥
Askin Temel
@eren_gunduz thank you for your support Eren 🙌🏻
Denizcan Sanlav
Thanks and congrats again.
Askin Temel
@denizcansanlav Thanks for your comment Denizcan. Your support is very important to us.
Ghost Kitty
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Naveed Rehman
hi congratulations on compiling it 👍. did u guys use it before launching this ph starter kit? thanks
Askin Temel
@naveed_rehman Ph Starter Kit came about thanks to the information we learned at this launch and the previous launch.