Aaron O'Leary

Peloton Row - A new rowing machine from Peloton

The long anticipated Peloton Row is now available to pre-order. The Row offers the same perks as its line of at-home bikes and treadmills, with a touchscreen providing access to countless rowing workouts.

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Aaron O'Leary
I've only briefly used the original Peloton and enjoyed it but never purchased it due to space mainly. I love rowing and this looks great but that price tag 👀
Clement Surry
@aaronoleary nothing compared to rowing in the water though. Just my personal opinion :)
Veronika Berisha
@aaronoleary plus the $44/mo subscription 😭
Ryan Gilbert
I love my Peloton bike and actually purchased a Hydrow rowing machine about a year ago. While it's probably similar in design + functionality to how the Peloton Row is I'd likely prefer the Peloton. I haven't gotten into the Hydrow as much as my Peloton bike simply because the instructors are worse (?). Maybe "worse" isn't the best or most fair word but there's something missing with the Hydrow experience...
Derogo Melki
Je vous contact aujourd'hui afin que vous acceptiez de servir d'administrateur légal (bénéficiaire) et de réaliser un programme d'action soit une fondation ou une ONG pour venir en aide aux personnes âgées et aux enfants en situation difficile
Lanre Akinyemi
Wow I'm a big fan of the vertical storage, so it's not always taking up space as the bike does.
Hayden Evans
Would have considered this at the beginning of the pandemic but I went and bought another instead. Paired with Apple Fitness+, I don’t see much of a reason to switch, especially at those prices
that pricing, yikes
Dan Guilliatt
This looks like a slick package - but will it really attract as many new rowers to the device to take up the sport as something like the bike to make the market sufficient? I'd argue the potential market isn't anywhere near as big, and most people would find a Concept 2 plus a 3rd party erg app more than sufficient. I really feel Peloton slipped up here - they should have bought Concept 2 and focused more on the tech/software as an addition rather than building expensive rowing hardware.
Ken Savage
Peloton has jumped the shark. And that price...WHOA!
Julia Putzeys
I'm excited for this! I already have a rower, but will use the Peloton app for rowing workouts to try it out.
Tina Zayas
Meh I’m not convinced about this one