Your digital safety deposit box
David Small
Passbox β€” Your digital safety deposit box
Passbox is a digital safety deposit box for you to curate confidential data your loved ones and/or business partners can have access to in the event of your incapacitation or death and no time before then.
Johan Bavaud
Interested ! πŸ™ŒπŸ» How do you see the futur of your product ? (Transparency : I am working on a product similar to yours).
David Small
@johan_bavaud Let's chat! Shot you a private message. :)
Johan Bavaud
Second question : I launched a Poll on PH to get the feelings of the community about death : It seems complicated for a majority (even if there is not a lot of answers). How do you manage your communication on this subject ?
Robert Zalaudek
@johan_bavaud @mrdazm are you thinking of having law firms that do wills, estates and powers of attorney use your product? I just went through this and it would be useful in our digital age to ensure that lawyers are helping their clients prepare. These kinds of products should be in the modern lawyers' offerings. Success to you both.
David Small
@johan_bavaud @robert_zalaudek it’s early days yet but that’s a possibility for sure!
Johan Bavaud
@robert_zalaudek We are currently working on this B2B part - great guess - and tooyoo pro 1.0 would be available in 2020 πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ŒπŸ»
Adrian πŸ”₯
Very practical for assets in a digital age
David Small
@pyro_adrian Thanks!
Martin McDonagh
Great idea in this all digital age.
Hi @mrdazm This is an Excellent Idea! I think the only barrier stopping me from adopting is obviously question around security and i'm not sure how you can put people like me at ease, maybe by getting strategic partnerships with security bands that people trust? Also I think $5.99 a month is a bit excessive seeing as I could live for a good long time, personally i'd be comfortable paying about $25-$30 a year. But overall I believe this is a product that is needed and you are definitely on to something here and would love to be updated on the development of the project. Cheers :)
David Small
@fayomi Thanks for checking it out! As you can imagine I'm working on pricing and had to throw something out there to see what people say - and they've said a lot lol. Once everything cools down I'll try to put it all together. The project made it to HN front page yesterday :) Would you be game to sign up, click around and shoot me any feedback you have on the app? I just ask since you seem interested overall. You can also join the mailing list at the bottom of the homepage!
David Small
I built Passbox following my first motorcycle purchase. It occurred to me that if anything happened to me on the bike I'd like for my digital accounts and devices to be accessible by those I trust. I'm happy to talk about the idea, process and product as much as anyone's interested and also welcome any feedback you may have on the UI/UX, pricing, methodology, etc. Cheers!
David Small
@owenfar1 Trust is definitely one of the top three concerns I'm seeing repeated throughout multiple conversations. I take comfort in knowing that the biggest of companies today had to start as no-names at some point in time though. I'm also game to explore encryption methods too but of course needed to start somewhere.
Marco Spilimbergo
Love this idea!
@David oh man that's a great idea. Really looking forward to it. Kind regards, blugento
David Small
@david πŸ‘