I don't think I need to explain what Party With A Local does as it's all in the name.
Once upon a time I relied on Couchsurfing to find and meet locals while traveling. Now that I live on my smartphone, I'm much more reliant on Party With A Local. It has the same magical feel as Couchsurfing in its early days, with a much more instantaneous feedback loop. With this type of app, it's all about community, and PWAL attracts a fantastic group of people - I've met people in Amsterdam, NYC, and Malta and enjoyed all of them.
@samir_doshi thanks, glad you like it! Fun fact: we've found that 18% of Hitlist users say they've taken a trip they weren't otherwise planning to take, and 87% of users think they will in the next six months... it really does help get you out the door! And @partywithalocal can help ensure you have fun wherever you land.
@gillianim I know what you mean...couchsurfing lost its touch. I had a great time as a host/entretainer but not anymore. How can I get the app? I can´t find it on the app store :-(
Thanks for hunting @gillianim and great comment to go with it - couldn't have said it better myself, glad you like it!
Party with a Local 1.0 was hunted just over a year ago and a lot has happened since - we raised some funding, formed a great international & diverse team and have a growing community of open-minded locals and travelers who like to party. Today we're launching a fully revamped version 2.0 of our app for iOS (+ Apple Watch) and Android.
We hope Party with a Local becomes THE app that connects travelers and locals around the world - one party at a time!
Would love to hear your feedback!
@rrhoover@suzywillow You guys should definitely try it out, and please let us know how it goes! You can even chat to a few people there before you arrive and tee up a night out :-)
@rrhoover@suzywillow Did you end up using it? I got back from Mexico City a couple weeks ago and would wish I knew about this. I ended finding locals and travelers that wanted to party, but this app would have made it even better.
One of the coolest apps from The Netherlands in my opinion. Big up to @dan_fennessy for keeping this going, I know how long you've been working on this :) The redesign looks great, go conquer the world!
So much has changed in PwaL v2.0! I started out as an early user of Party with a Local & now work as one of their developers, and can say that I'm really happy with what we have achieved in this version. Besides having a complete re-design and adding an Apple Watch extension so users can set their Party Status even more easily, we have also started to include other languages (now available in Portuguese too! 🇧🇷). Spoiler alert: we already are planning v3.0! Long live Party with a Local!
How long ago was that @gabrielreynard & where were you in Europe? Our community has grown significantly recently and is especially active in some European cities now - Amsterdam, Lisbon & Lille to name a few.
@dan_fennessy It was on December (14) and January (15), I tried to use in Paris, London and Amsterdam. In Amsterdam I found some people available, but they looked like inactive users.
@gabrielreynard Right. Try it again next time you're in Europe :-) Or you can chat to people in other cities before you arrive - that's one of the new features we've launched today as well.
FYI - these are the main new features in Party with a Local 2.0:
- A full app redesign (iOS & Android)
- Apple Watch version
- Ability to search & chat with users in other cities (i.e. before you travel)
- More filters, e.g. filter between locals and travelers
- See and easily scroll recommended users
- Sign-up via E-mail (as well as Facebook)
There's a lot more we've done in the background, especially around community and identifying our 'Super Locals'. We now have an amazing community of users, and not just online - real users who meet each other and... party :-) We're really excited about iterating on the product and growing globally. Please try the app out and we'd love to hear your feedback!
It's been an incredible amount of hard work to get to this point and I'm very proud of the awesome and international team who is making Party with a Local really happen. Like me, the whole team are all solving their own problem with Party with a Local: @izzysayers@travelala10dl@alexandra_y_blanco@jaapbakker@jdk2588@juliagrandfield@felipericieri
I now work at Party with a Local but my PWAL story began when I found the app by chance last summer. I immediately wished I had known about it in my round the world trip the year before! I was living in Barcelona then and met up with two travelers within the first month - one Moroccan and one German - and had two super fun nights out through the app. I've tried other apps before to try to find people to party with in new towns, like Couchsurfing & Tinder, but really am not into the dating aspects of them - love PWAL because it's full of like-minded individuals that just want to have fun.
Nice execution! As a local, why would I want to party with your nonlocals? (outside of the obvious hookup angle)
As a formerly avid Couchsurfer, I hosted many fun people for a year or so, then the novelty wore off and my 'local life' took precedence over strangers from other countries, as fun loving as they were. I'd rather spend my time with friends I already enjoy and can easily see again. Seems these would all be friends of convenience.
@itscoreyb Good question Corey. It's true that some people might be totally content with their existing friendship group, and not really interested in meeting new people.
But here are a few reasons why, as a local, you might want to use Party with a Local - show off the hidden bars and clubs you know & feel like a traveler in your own city, make friends from other places for your next trip abroad (or across the country), mix up a typical night out with friends by adding a traveler or two to the mix, cultural and language exchange (which gets easier the more you drink)... & for a fun/different night out.
I'd add that a decent portion of our users in some cities are expats (and nomads) - people who are new in a city and definitely interested in meeting new people, making new friends, and partying.
Also - it doesn't have to be used in strictly locals-travelers & vice versa. People are also using the app to meet other locals. We've know of quite a few who've become really good friends after meeting via the app. We've heard from females that they like that the app is not about hooking up or 'swiping right' too - just for fun nights out & go from there.
@itscoreyb Hey Corey, its a good question and I think what Dan said really got it. A lot of our very active users are expats, nomads and people who travel a lot. Also small world, I'm a friend of your brothers! We met while on exchange in Amsterdam and I stayed to work on Party with a Local. Although I was 'local' to Amsterdam I didn't know a lot of people. I found the app incredibly useful to meet a network of fun, outgoing people in Amsterdam who I saw repeatedly over the summer during PwaL events with always a couple new travellers thrown in. As a 'new local' I also enjoyed giving people tips on things in Amsterdam I'd just discovered when they were visiting. It's definitely very two-sided.
@juliagrandfield@itscoreyb "A lot of our very active users are expats, nomads and people who travel a lot. "
Makes total sense for an app like this. Very hard (& expensive) to reach the average travelers who only goes on 2-3 trips a year, as we've learned building our own travel apps.
Congrats on the big update!
@juliagrandfield@dan_fennessy small world! like what you guys are doing, best of luck. the expat angle is certainly easier than the traveler one, that's for sure
One of the best things about this app is the amazing community of users that we have around the world. As Community Manager for PwaL, I come across so many hilarious, awesome and down-right crazy people on our app all around the globe... I just wish I could meet them all in person! I love getting to know people through Party with a Local - had so many memorable nights thanks to this app. And the ability to not only get local recommendations when you are traveling but also see a city with a local by your side (who isn't a paid tour guide!) is something really special.
Party with a local fills a need that I struggled for so long... To know, see and live the places in the eyes of a local and not only the usual typical touristic places in each city. The culture and community this team created is awesome, and i had the privilege to use it on the field and from that moment on, all my travels are much more meaningful and vibrant!
@fullstache Thanks Pascal. I agree - we do have a very cool team! Very international and diverse too... Isn't diversity seen as a problem in tech? We're from 5 different continents, speak 10 languages fluently & more than half women :-) https://medium.com/@Dan_Fennessy...
Party with a Local has the most vibrant and the most diverse community compared to the other social apps I've tried to use. People organizing drag queen parties, drinks on the beach, skate board hang outs, riding bikes while holding your beer and many other exciting things. For a passionate photographer like me, this is the perfect scene for new friendships along with the new fun photo projects!! Gotta love it!!
If only I knew about this app while I was traveling by myself to Japan for a month. Tried all sorts of apps to find locals to hang out, but none of them solved my problem. Can't wait to try it out next time I am travelling
I am elated at the launch of PwaL 2.0. Even though we are only a small team, we really push ourselves to ship good stuff. We alway aim to use minimum resources at the client side, like using location and doing user matching at the backend. This app has come a long way from it's previous version in terms of design and features, and we are looking forward to shipping more features often. 'Till then - keep on partying :)'
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