Dan Fennessy

Pals - Get introduced to someone like-minded every month

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Dan Fennessy
Pals is the latest new Product from the team at Party with a Local, designed to streamline the process of meeting new people to party with. We were inspired to build Pals after seeing a couple of similar services pop up - like Happenstance and Serendipity. These services (Pals included) introduce you to new people via email initially and then encourage you meet in real life. All without a dating focus - it’s a really nice trend! Using the information shared on your profile on the Party with a Local app, we will introduce you to a like-minded party animal once a month using our matching algorithm. The introduction will be done via email with deep links back into the app - so you can strike up a conversation and make plans for a night out. We're excited to be rolling this out as we've got so many awesome users in the growing Party with a Local community. Check it out and see who you get introduced to! Let us know if you have any questions or feedback.
Ben Tossell
@dan_fennessy says sign up for early access... let us know when its actually launched
Dan Fennessy
@bentossell We are launching it today. Early access is because you'll be the first to get introduced with someone if you sign up today...
Izzy Sayers
Pals is just what Party with a Local needs to enhance the way our awesome community is connected. We have so many awesome people on the app, so having this new way of speeding up the process of finding likeminded people will be great for bringing our community together even more. Now Party with a Local users will have even more incentive to meet up and go for drinks or a night out!
Bo Irik
Wow! "we will introduce you to a like-minded party animal once a month using our matching algorithm" - Party Algorithms! Well done!
Dan Fennessy
@bo_irik Haha, Party Algorithms! or as we like to say 'P.A.L.S.: Party with a Local's Algorithmic Linking System' ;-)
Alex Blanco
No more rock'n'roll nights with people who don't understand this genre :) Pals, are precisely matching you with only like-minded party buddies!
Tyler Swartz
This a good way to leverage all of the party preferences you've collected from users of Party with a Local! Congrats on the launch! I'm assuming this only connects you with people that live in the same city, or would it also be people that visit your city often?
Dan Fennessy
@tylerswartz Correct Tyler - people should be in the same place at the same time, because we actually want them to meet up in real life. But we're going to be constantly improving the algorithm, so we may soon be able to see smartly who is traveling where when and then recommend them someone before they arrive.
Travel à la Tendelle
Thanks @tylerswartz! We're starting off by connecting people who live in the same city! Going forward, we see the possibility of extending it to travelers visiting the city too, getting a Party Pal matched to them as soon as they open the app in a new city!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Man, the kerning in the logo is giving me a headache. #typesnob
Dan Fennessy
@chrismessina :-( Hey @jaapbakker - maybe you can explain something about the font?... I thought it was actually considered quite a hipster/cool font atm, and that's why we chose it, right? In any case, maybe a bit of disruptive kerning is a good thing? :-P
Bart van Poll
Will be spending a lot of time in a city that's new for me in the coming year, so sounds like a great service to meet some like-minded people!
Michael Sparks
Budapest here. I'm a HUGE fan of using and hosting people on CouchSurfing, looking forward to being able to use this application to meet even more cool people!
Carlos Carvalho
The missing feature of PWaL :D awesome!!