Keith Frankel

Guide: Thx for the Feedback!.. Now what? - A free guide for what to do after you collect user feedback

In this free, ungated 20-page guide from, we explore what comes after you’ve collected user feedback. Learn how to organize users’ needs into a scalable and actionable ontology, as well as how to accurately measure the business impact of those needs.

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Keith Frankel
Hey everyone! Keith here, CEO of Hope folks are having a great week. My team created this guide for our customers to help them navigate the post-feedback collection process (part of our product is a feedback management system). It's been really well received by our own community, so we figured why not give it to the Product Hunt community, as well! It's totally free, and we've made sure not to gate it behind any unnecessary forms. We just hope some of you find it helpful as you navigate how to think through organizing and measuring the business impact of your own user feedback. As you explore, if you'd like to ask us any questions or are interested in how's software can help with any of this process, we'd obviously love to chat. By all means, reach out on our website, or feel free to send me an email directly – I'm a recovering former PM, but I still love to chat with fellow product folks. Looking forward to connecting! Have a great day!
Katja Danilova
Thanks for the guide! I am currently in the process of creating a plan for collecting the feedback, but analyzing will definitely come in to play as well :) I liked your phrasing and approach to explaining the information. And design is great as well. Kudos!
Keith Frankel
@katja_danilova Hey Katja! Glad this is timely, and hope it helps. Let me know if you want to chat about feedback collection (what, how, etc.) Happy to help. My email is above.
Keith Frankel
@katja_danilova Hi Katja! We posted a follow-up guide to this today. Check it out if it's interesting to you.
Robin van Zessen
Thanks a lot for making this, Keith! I am going to read it and will share it with my colleagues.
Keith Frankel
@uxrobin Awesome! Glad to hear Robin. Have a great weekend.
Robin van Zessen
@thekeithf thanks, Keith! I have read the book and will apply it in the upcoming months for a smaller client aside from my day-to-day job. The insight from feedback to needs was an eye-opener. And, also the classification!
Keith Frankel
@uxrobin Super cool. We have another one coming out next Tuesday. I'll drop the link to that one here, as well!
Keith Frankel
@uxrobin Hey Robin – we just posted a follow-up to this guide if it's helpful. Hope you're well!