Hey everyone!
We’re back with the most exciting update of Panda. We’ve been improving it every day and today we’re happy to show you what new features we’ve built. We decided to launch it as beta since it’s still early days and many features you can enjoy until we deliver a whole new experience for reading the news.
So far we’ve added
- Brand new layout where you can easily view the content without leaving Panda.
- Search within Panda featured feeds. (Includes the content of the article)
- Customize your new tab. You can choose amongst 8 options including Photo, To Do List, Notepad and clock. (Only available for Chrome Extension)
- Distraction free reading on Reader Layout just like Safari Reader View experience.
- Integrations including Pocket (Unread, Archive, Favorites), Twitter (Home, Likes), Instagram (Home), Dribbble (Following, Likes)
And we launched a PRO subscription which early adopters will have 40% OFF until we come out of our beta.
Here is what you can expect when we come out of beta
- More integrations (Instapaper, Buffer, GitHub and more)
- More layouts
- More launchers (We’ll hear from you)
- Complete redesign making it as simple as possible
Looking forward to hearing your feedback!
Panda Team
( For chrome extension users please refer to the article on how to update your extension https://medium.com/@usepanda/upd... )
@john_tans@usepanda thanks for the kind words! yeah we're having an extra load due to launch and new features, but will sort them out in the upcoming days. already resizing the servers :)
@john_tans@ahmetsulek@usepanda Would love to hear from other Feedly users to see if it's an option worth trying. Constantly looking for a Feedly alternative.
@ahmetsulek@usepanda Great update - I see there is a chrome extension or web viewing - why hasn't there been a separate browser created for this that is native - would that be faster? Love it!
We're back! I think you guys will enjoy this update. You may even taste the blood, sweat and tears that went into this. And a big thank you to those that gave invaluable feedback.
That is it. Trying to follow what happens is quite tiring, cognitively. Cut my cognitive load in half -and already was halved with the previous version. Congrats! Will I be able to add my own resources any time soon?
Hey great relaunch - I actually just rediscovered Panda 4 yesterday after being an early adopter, so this is great timing. Just noticed a few bugs, including being unable to delete legacy RSS feeds (they keep re-appearing) but I'm sure these will be ironed out in the coming days. Please don't become another Feedly, the inspiration part of Panda is one of it's strongest features, not the fact that you are an RSS reader - looks like you have struck the right balance so far.
Love Panda and use it on a daily basis :-)
Interesting update and move more towards Feedly and such it seems. Tried it out quickly in the morning and works ok with some minor kinks. However not totally sold it is for me right now and a little low limits for the free tier.
Any plans for new/unread status count for feeds or not possible with current setup? The only way I think the list view in reader mode would work for me. Big plus for not limiting current product and keeping that in place!
I tried couple of alternatives since you launched but you're definitely the best chrome extension on the market right now. Design wise, this version is much more elegant, more precise, it just feels great. Awesome job guys, you nailed it once again !
Twitter, Product Hunt, Reddit have kind of supplanted my Google Reader days but this new version of Panda is beautiful, super intuitive. Excited to make it a part of my routine.
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