Tirtham Ray

Ovonts Beta - One workplace. Everything influence, anything content.


Ovonts is the intelligent influencer marketing and social commerce enablement software solution designed for marketers. With Ovonts you can automate the entire process end to end.

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Tirtham Ray
Ovonts is the intelligent influencer marketing and social commerce enablement software solution designed for marketers. With Ovonts you can automate the entire process end to end. Connect across your marketing and commerce stack with integration ready APIs.
Tirtham Ray
Search Creators - Discover from 100M+ creators across 150+ countries, 10000+ cities vetted across 35+ data points. Get actionable insights about brands, creators and competition in a single click
Tirtham Ray
Lists - Create, manage and share lists across your team and partners. Import and export lists in multiple formats in the most flexible way
Tirtham Ray
Social Media Analytics - Analyse campaigns & creator content across social media platforms like Instagram, Youtube & TikTok
Tirtham Ray
Campaign & Creator Management - Manage creators, content and campaigns while establishing goals and deliverables - all in one place
Tirtham Ray
Conversion Intelligence - Generate embedded links with target destinations, enable commerce, analyze cross-platform impact of your campaigns and content and segment audience to power optimization in real-time
Tirtham Ray
Creator Relationship Management - Manage your creator and partner relationships in the most frugal way - collaborate, manage projects & content, communicate with internal & external stakeholders making creator management easy & efficient