Rahul Varshneya

Spot - The easiest way to share and discover the coolest products

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Trace Cohen
I’m Trace the founder of SPOT, a new tinder like app for cool, geeky products that will launch shortly (approved by Apple and will be live soon) for iOS and Android at the same time (!) using the cutting-edge Famo.us framework. SPOT is the best way to discover the newest and coolest products by easily swiping through product cards that we curate and that your friends spot to let everyone know how you feel about each one (Ehhh, Cool, Want) We curate from Uncrate, Touch of Modern, This is why I’m broke, Jack Threads, Fancy, Etsy, Dude I want that, Cool Hunting and Product Hunt (once we get the API!) so you can discover amazing things that people create all in one place.
David Spinks
Congrats Trace! What was the inspiration for creating this?
Trace Cohen
@DavidSpinks Thanks David and great question! I've always loved new and cool products (I was named after a supercomputer!), have been attending CES for 8 years (since I was 18) and always found it hard to discover new things easily. After doing PR for years launching new products, building a platform so people could announce their new products, I realized there needed to be a mobile solution to it and distilled it down to it's essence and that's what SPOT is. The media is great at covering new products, social media allows us to find them from our friends and there are a lot of sites (that we pull from) that curate obscure, innovative and niche products. Instead of going to all the different sites, I kind of build the app for myself so I had a single destination free of clutter that I could easily swipe through products one at a time on my phone on my own time.
Anthony David Adams
Lot's of great opportunity here, Trace. Congrats. Do you plan to stay focused on "geeky" products?
Trace Cohen
@anthonyadams Thanks Anthony! We see the potential as well and I personally wanted to start where my heart is, with "geeky" products to make sure it's personal and that we can curate products that we have more of an expertise in. We already have other feeds we are testing like Kickstarter and others to slowly expand and make sure there isn't to much noise initially. As we get more information on individuals based on what they want and think is cool, we will be able to tailor products specifically to you as well. Lots to do! Best of luck with PRMatch - PR Tech FTW!
Anthony David Adams
@Trace_Cohen Awesome :) Let me know how we can support you -- I'd be happy to gift you a strategy session to see what low hanging fruit might be out there for your company in terms of leveraging publicity.
Trace Cohen
Sorry for the confusion yesterday as we were posted a little early but we are live now on both Android and iOS (same time!) and you can now download the app for free! Apple App Store: http://bit.ly/SpotAppiOS (Search for "spot" or "spot the cool") Android: http://bit.ly/SpotAppDroid Enjoy!