Aaron Marshall

Over 3 - The essential app for mobile creativity & design


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Mike Rundle
This new version is incredible. They are doing so many interesting things with the UI and interactions that it's just years ahead of everyone else. The font and weight selection is the coolest thing I've seen in an app in a very long time. So perfect.
Aaron Marshall
@flyosity That means a lot coming from you Mike! Thank you so much for the encouragement.
todd balsley
@flyosity Agreed Mike! As someone who's seen this product from the beginning, they continue to innovate with their frictionless UI. Lots of really smart people working on this incredible tool.
Aaron Marshall
One of the things people have always loved about Over is that it's dead simple. That made adding features hard. There was a high risk that adding features would complicate the experience and alienate users. We spent a long, long time thinking about this problem and running experiments to see if we should build a suite of apps. Ultimately we decided that mobile creativity was a bigger category than anyone was imagining. It warrants its own plugin/app/extension like platform. So we built an Add-On store in Over. This allowed us to keep the app experience ultra-simple and let people tailor the app to suit their creative needs. We also tried to make every single element self-explanatory. No instruction bubbles. No pointers. Just GO. I'm sure we've made mistakes. We really went ‘lite’ with the cues. Please let us know what we could add to aid learning. Our ultimate goal is for Over to be like a guitar, an instrument you can have fun with AND make masterpieces. We think Over 3 is a huge step in that direction! Hope you enjoy.
Rian van der Merwe
I've been beta testing this and really love it. This version goes so far beyond the original "put text on photos" idea, and makes it possible (and fun) to morph photos into anything you can dream up. Can't wait to see what people come up with once they start playing with it.
Aaron Marshall
@rianvdm Yes! It's truly amazing what people come up with. Keeps me motivated actually! Thank you for the comment Rian!
shawn roos
I beta tested the crap out of this and can say that i've never used an iOS app that offers as many features with as much ease of use. After a few minutes you'll make something. After an hour, you'll make something amazeballs. Not many apps get that balance of power and ease right. Kudos
Aaron Marshall
@shawnroos got a huge grin after reading this! Thanks a ton for saying it.
Nicholas Haralambous
Love the new app. Incredible control and fantastic features to make mobile photo creativity simple and powerful.
Aaron Marshall
@nicharry thanks Nic! I've got some ideas how you could use it to sell some socks too!
Leo Widrich
Huge fan of Aaron and the team! Have played with this from when it was still in the early stages and really blown away. It feels like this is taking the iPhone to a whole new level! :)
Aaron Marshall
@leowid wow, seriously kind words! You guys are my role models!
todd balsley
I've been using Over since the day it launched, so happy and excited for the team and all the improvements they've made to this version!
Aaron Marshall
@toddba you my friend, I am so grateful for. You used Over when you could only add one line of text! If I remember right, you broke the record of how many times someone imported a photo multiple times to get a layered affect?!
todd balsley
@aaronmarshall haha so true! That was a really sweet time man. Can't wait to see what is next for you guys!
Luke Chesser
Absolutely love what you guys have done with the UI and with the Add-on Store. Like Mike said above, you guys are years ahead of everyone else with your UI and interactions. It's honestly the first time I've used an app from this category on the iPhone and didn't find myself wishing for a larger screen or a mouse. You couldn't build a better app on OSX or iPad — it fully embraces its constraints to create an experience that's perfect for iPhone. Congrats guys.
Tom Kennedy
Such a great app! I've been a fan since the early days. Keep up the great work.
Aaron Marshall
@tkennedysa thank you! Glad to be in your hood!
Merek Davis
This is what an evolution of an app should be! Really incredible stuff, guys. Congrats on pushing ui/ux. Loving all the new features.
Ben Terry
I'm can never get over "Over". Stoked to see the new update!
Scott Webb
Congrats on the release of Over 3! Absolutely thrilled seeing the integration of the Unsplash API in there. An amazing example of the creativity that's possible today. High-Five!
Aaron Marshall
@scotty_webb Unsplash has made my person Over experience significantly better. Thank you so much for what you do.
This update is spectacular. It's amazing what you can create with it, even if you don't use any photos at all. Great work as always @aaronmarshall and team!
Dustin W. Stout
I've been using Over for a LOOOOONG time. Really hope they give some of this same update love to their incredibly useful "Quick" app.