Mission control for your community
Gareth Wilson
Gravity by Orbit — A free magazine about building & scaling communities
Gravity is the field guide for product communities. A new print and web magazine from Orbit, issue one is all about analytics: it explores community analytics tools, how to determine community KPIs, and we ask experts which metrics they track and why.
Gareth Wilson
At Orbit, we chat with hundreds of community teams and see a lot of folks reinventing the wheel—solving the same problems and crafting similar approaches from scratch. When it comes to the practices employed by product community teams, a lot of it never gets shared. They live (and die) within individual groups, disconnected from each other. We wanted to do something to help those leading product communities by providing a means to share best practices. That's why we're excited to announce Gravity. Gravity is a print and web magazine that explores the theories and practices of establishing and scaling product communities. Each issue contains long-form articles, interviews with product community experts, beautiful illustrations, and other thoughtful content. Whether you're new to the community space, or you're a seasoned professional, Gravity will become your go-to resource for building and managing product communities of all sizes. For our inaugural issue, we're tackling a tricky subject — analytics — and it includes insights from Jono Bacon, Adam DuVander, Amanda Petersen, Erik Israni, and Jenifer De Figueiredo. And of course, there's plenty of information and observations from the team here at Orbit, too. Gravity is available in print and on the Web. Go read the first issue and let us know what you think. While you're at it, grab a (free!) physical copy for yourself too.
Gareth Wilson
@kristof_szabo Thanks Kristof!
Gareth Wilson
@marcosluis2186 Thanks Marcos, hope you like it
Gareth Wilson
@ria_raul1 Cheers, Ria!
Gareth Wilson
@fares_aktouf Thank you, Fares
Gareth Wilson
@katherine_mcconnell Great, I hope you like it!
Alexa Meyer
This is so useful! We're hiring our first community manager Coa and can't wait to share this helpful resource with them!
Gareth Wilson
@alexakmeyer That's great - consider promoting your listing on our Discord: http://discord.orbit.love/ we've a bunch of great community folks who stop by
Josh Dzielak
Congratulations Gareth, Maurice, Jarod and all the makers 👏🎊
Gareth Wilson
@dzello Thanks Josh!
flo merian
Congrats on the launch, ?makers!
Can’t wait to dive into the articles (I think I’m gonna wait on my print version to enjoy it even more 👀), but first I wanted to congratulate you Gareth, Maurice and Jarod for the launch and the visuals—it looks absolutely stunning!
Gareth Wilson
@phacks Thank you, Nico! I hope it's worth the wait
Andy Piper
Nice! Any chance of a PDF or e-Reader version? My preference for longer-form magazine formats, anyway.
Gareth Wilson
@andypiper Sure thing. I've DMd you a link on Twitter. Enjoy!
Jonathan Cran
We used Orbit prior to our acquisition by Mandiant, and found it to be extremely helpful in identifying those key contributors. This led us to deepen our relationship with those folks, eventually contracting or hiring them directly. Big fan of what the team is doing.
Gareth Wilson
@jcran That's great to hear, Jonathan. Thanks for sharing
Everett Berry
We use orbit @getarctype to unify community activity from twitter and discord and it works very well. One missing piece has been strategies and ideas to take more action with the data and it looks like Gravity can provide that. I signed up!
Gareth Wilson
@getarctype @everett_berry That's fab - I hope it helps, and reach out should we be able to help in other ways too.
Carlo Thissen
This seems equally valuable for remote HR departments as it is for community managers. Nice one!
Gareth Wilson
@carlo_thissen That's so nice to hear, thanks Carlo
Dragos Bulugean
Great find, and congrats on the launch. I started to read the issue, and I found some good nuggets. 👍
Gareth Wilson
@dragos_bulugean That's so great to hear, thank you Dragos
Eman Zabi 🚀
This is fantastic timing. Community is a big focus for Terrain this year. So I'm excited to test this out!
Gareth Wilson
@eman_zabi Great, let us know how you get on!
Simon Barker
This looks cool, well done and congrats on launch 😀 I've signed up
Gareth Wilson
@simon_barker1 Thanks Simon, we hope you like it!
Alex Trost
Ah this looks brilliant! Stunning graphics and layout. I can't wait to dig in.
Gareth Wilson
@alex_trost Thank you, Alex - all the amazing work of @jarodocton and @maurice_cherry. Let us know what you think!
Adam Madden
Congrats on the early success and the BIG LAUNCH! I'm personally excited to dive in and see what you have to offer - knowledge-wise! Good luck! - Adam Madden
Costa Tin
!Orbit is a great community tool, we use it daily. And these guys have (and share) a great knowledge. thank you!
Gareth Wilson
Thank you Costa, so pleased to hear you’re using Orbit. We hope you like the mag!
Alex Morton
*Cannot* wait to dive into the print version!!! Great work, Gareth, Maurice, Jarod and team!!!
Gareth Wilson
@alex_morton2 Thanks Alex!
This looks very informative one. Congrats on the launch.
Gareth Wilson
@basharath Thank you, Basharath
Tony Yan
Very nice! Just signed up
Gareth Wilson
@zhitao_yan Great to hear that, Tony!
Giorgio Malvermi
Congrats on your launch! Also, love the visuals and the glossary, extremely useful for newbies on Community Management (like myself)
Gareth Wilson
@giorgio_malvermi Thank you - that's great to hear, Giorgio! I hope it's helpful.
Gvidas Šulskis
Looks very useful, congrats on the launch!!!🚀
Gareth Wilson
@gvidas_sulskis Thanks Gvidas!