Jeph Johnson

Optisend, Email Marketing Solution. - Email Blast, CRM, Analytics, Email Marketing

Cost-efficient solution for email marketing. Import thousands of leads from .xls files, saving time and reducing errors. Comprehensive analytics and reporting for campaign performance. Segment leads for targeted campaigns. Customize emails based on audience.

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Jeph Johnson
Hi All, I thought I would share with you something I've been working on over the course of the last 3 months. I wrote this using - Mongo Db, Next Js, Lambdas, Typescript, Recoil, React and Styled components. To give you a bit of background, I started dabbling in affiliate marketing the last year and was driven by frustration with complex interfaces, missing features, and sky-high prices for marketing platforms with bulk email sends. (Salesforce - Only 5k a day ). The result I came up with was a custom-built CRM tool with advanced bulk email capabilities (175k emails in a single day), tailored to the practical and cost-effective needs of users. Here are some key features: Cost-Efficient: One of the key objectives is to provide a cost-effective solution without compromising on the quality of features or user experience. The goal is to offer more bang for your buck compared to other platforms. Bulk Leads Import: This feature allows users to import tens of thousands of leads at once using a single .xls document. This is a massive time-saver and reduces manual data entry errors, allowing users to instantly populate their CRM with the necessary contact information. Analytics and Reporting: The application provides comprehensive analytics on email campaigns. Users can review performance metrics like open rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and more, giving them insights needed to refine their strategies and improve future campaign success. Segmentation and Grouping: The application allows users to group leads into different segments. This can be based on various criteria, such as demographics, interaction history, or lead source. The ability to segment leads helps to run targeted email campaigns and increase their effectiveness. Email Campaign Customization: Users can choose whether to personalize emails (for example, by including the recipient's name in the greeting) or send generic messages. This flexibility allows businesses to tailor their approach based on the type of campaign they're running and the specific audience segment they're targeting. HTML Email Editor: Users can copy and paste HTML data into the built-in editor for email creation. This editor provides live editing capabilities, which means users can see how their email will look as they're building it. This feature is particularly helpful for those with HTML knowledge who want to design more intricate or branded emails. Email Blasting with .xls Document: Besides the regular CRM functionality, the application allows users to run email campaigns directly from a .xls document without needing to save every email lead. This offers great flexibility for one-off campaigns or when sharing lead lists among different platforms.
Ahmad Ali
This would save so much time! Really helpful