Ibán Ríos

onPASSWORD One - An offline, open-source and memorable password generator

Create truly memorable and strong passwords for logging in on every service you use, or for unlocking your password manager. This tool works offline, is open source, and generated passwords are never stored or shared.

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Ibán Ríos
Hi Product Hunters! 🛡️ We developed this tool trying to build the easiest and most memorable way to generate super strong passwords. 🗣 What is this for? To easily create strong and easy-to-remember passwords (in seconds) 🚀 What does onPASSWORD One do compared to other "similar" tools? - It is a progressive web app (PWA) that works offline - It is open source and free software (GNU GPLv3) - It has versions in Google Assistant and Google Workspace ecosystems (only for the Spanish language) - No data is stored ✍️ Feedback always welcome! Many thanks for your time!
Christopher Iroaganachi
Congratulations on developing and launching this, Ibàn. Well done