David Martin

Only 6 - Task planner based on the Ivy Lee Method

Ever feel like you're busy all day, but never get anything done? Well, Only 6 may help you out! Based on the tried-and-tested Ivy Lee productivity method, Only 6 is a simple task management app to help you get stuff done.

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David Martin
Hello everyone! A while ago, I stumbled across the Ivy Lee method for productivity. It's pretty simple - you write down 6 tasks to do throughout the day, then work on them in order until they're done. I found following this method boosted my productivity massively, so much so that I decided to make it into an app. The end result is Only 6. Only 6 is available as a free ad-supported app, or as a paid app (Only 6 Premium). I'm just a solo developer, so any comments or feedback would be much appreciated! I hope you find Only 6 as useful as I do. Thanks