Matthew Erley

OneRoost - Polite email blocking + crowdsourced ratings on senders


OneRoost is a Chrome Extension that gives Gmail users complete control of their inbox.

Does 3 things really well: Super simple email blocking, shows crowdsourced ratings on senders to easily separate the gems from the junk, provides details on the product/service being pitched, which adds transparency and minimizes back-and-forth with a seller.

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Matthew Erley
Hi Product Hunt. My marketing/growth team at Havenly has been using OneRoost for the last couple months and it has really saved us a lot of time by allowing us to filter vendor requests (we get many per day), block emails if things get spammy, and have more visibility into services as soon as they arrive in our inbox. Very cool free Chrome plugin that everyone should check out!
Taylor Linnell
Hi Product Hunters! We are thrilled to get your feedback on OneRoost and thanks @matthew_erley for hunting us! Email is the most used sales tool but also the most abused. Pretty much anyone can send you an email pitching a product or service but you have no information on who they are - making it hard to identify which senders are worth your time and energy. We felt everything would be a lot simpler if senders were more transparent in what they were selling and the bad actors were called out by crowdsourcing how many times they’ve been blocked by other potential buyers. However, improving the email experience is not easy, which is why we are so excited to get your feedback. OneRoost works like this: Download: Gmail users download the free extension (works for Gmail and Inbox by Google) and then log in. You might have to refresh the page Take Control: Once your inboxed is refreshed, you can politely block any sender, request information if you’re interested (automated), and review the senders rating* Evaluate: If a seller is registered with OneRoost, we present all the information you need to simplify your go/no-go decision (sellers - see below on how to register) *Note: We rate senders on three criteria: the number of times they’ve been blocked, the completeness of their data, and the number of times someone has requested more information. We are still early on the OneRoost journey, so only 100ish companies have ratings and registered product details. Looking forward to all your questions and comments! Sellers, you can submit your product here: