As a CEO of a fast growing company I don't have the time to write a crawler myself (and not the best skills at hand either :) ). So a visual point and click approach sounded pretty good to me. Sometimes I just want to bulk extract data or "set it and forget it". Octoparse is my new buddy in this endeavour, e.g. when I want to monitor product prices in my industry or content on a given website. Most of this basic tasks are easy to setup with octoparse and you get the data within minutes. The scraping process is visualized step by step, which makes error solving easier. And it gives you some flexibility because you don't need to ask an engineer everytime you have a simple scrape to do.
Pros:It has a simple and easy to use graphical interface. Many of the basic extraction tasks are set-up in less than 10 minutes.
Cons:Pagination and looping is tricky on most pages. The auto loop detection only works on simpler webpages. Based on .net, so no os x version ;(
I had no idea how crawlers are working, but a friend of mine told me to give a try. After a few minutes my first crwaler was working and I had some data to play with.
I'm currently using Octoparse to be prepared for the work environment, since I'm a Computer Science Student.
Defenetly a tool to recommend!
Pros:Easy to use. Graphical support when builder a crawler.
Cons:Learning Videos on Youtube could be better. Looping is a bit complicated
Very good tool for data crawling, relatively simple use. Maybe for less experienced users there should be good prepare few tutorials how to work with data extraction based on REGEX or how to create REGEX conditions.
Instead of this it is very good SW which I had look for long time and which makes my job much more easier. So I can remmend this for all after my few months testing of this tool.
Pros:Very goog user friendly frontend, even relative simple also for unexperienced users with data corwling
Cons:Crowler have problems with dynamic changes of the paginations, so this could be improved, but still there are possibilities how to solve it.
As a re-seller with more than 20,000 products listed it would be impossible to hand log the data. Octoparse assists in the migration of data to familiar platforms for manipulation and analysis.
Octoparse is the best choice of web scrapers for three reasons: (1) attractive price points that accommodate all levels of activity, (2) cloud and local scraping options for whatever your project demands, and (3) ease of use that doesn't require code specific knowledge.
I was within a few tutorials able to learn how to use it and implement it. Large amounts of useful data were provided within hours of setting up my account.
Pros:(1) attractive price points
(2) cloud and local scraping options
(3) ease of use that doesn't require code specific knowledge.
Drop down list are still a little buggy