Tristan Pollock 2.0 - Access knowledge quicker without leaving Slack

Obie, the first continuous learning bot built for Slack, is a fundamentally new way for teams to communicate with their internal knowledge, quickly, at scale.

Teams can access their knowledge across multiple sources without leaving the workspaces they spend their time in.

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Terrance Kwok
Wow - this looks awesome. As an SDR Manager, I could see this having a huge impact on how the team accesses sales enablement content. Searching through Google Drive is a total pain.
Chris Buttenham
@terrancekwok Thanks for the feedback, Terrance. Really happy to hear the sales enablement use case is resonating with you—definitely a focus for us. Google Drive really is a nightmare to navigate!
John Kyeremeh
Totally agree @terrancekwok! The key question here is are you giving your worst sales person the ability to learn, everyday, from your best sales person? Good sales organizations should be obsessed with finding out how do get their 50% hitters to hit 70%? How do you get your 30% hitters to 50%? The way sales reps learn + access information should be easy. @Drift has a great that talks about this - Could Bots Make Your BDR Team More Efficient?
Tristan Pollock
Teams perform better when they have quick access to the right resources, tools and knowledge. Obie makes that possible with bots/AI and a lot of love. Imagine making your company's internal knowledge queryable and that's what they do. Brilliant.
Patrick Frey
Looks great. A much needed Slack enhancement!
Chris Buttenham
@askpf Thanks, Patrick!
Boris Mann
I've been tracking and testing Obie for a while, and was excited to notice the Canadian connection. I think this is a really valuable direction for Slack bots in truly encoding, storing, and upgrading organizational knowledge. Next up on my wish list is an easy way to add other knowledge sources. It's very tuned for what I feel like are bigger companies. I think there is some opportunity to share different books or playbooks, but I understand especially with HR you have to start somewhere. For my small team usage, I usually end up deleting all the sample content. I also think that Obie could be more interrogative in actively seeking out knowledge, but I don't know which of these are Slack or bot limitations in general. Can Obie just look up answers when it sees a question mark? Can it take time and ask people questions on a daily basis -- e.g. "what did you learn today?"
Chris Buttenham
@bmann thanks for taking Obie for a test spin, Boris. Ah, perhaps an API would help you out, eh? 😉
Chris Buttenham
@bmann and thats all great feedback. We thank you very much 🙏. That concept of "listening" for questions is something that's been percolating here for awhile.. so you might see something in the works. It's important to take as much of the leg work off the user as possible when accessing/pushing knowledge. After all, that's what we're trying to solve! As for enterprise, watch out for Obie as he soon makes his debut on Microsoft Teams! @tomhadfield helping us out with this via
Tarun Gangwani
I am wondering if this solves my problem: I have an automation that triggers when someone signs up for Grok --> their e-mail address is pasted in a channel (and then we all proceed to 🙌🏾)... question: is there a slack bot (this one?) that can follow on that message, googling for various information based on the @domain and give insights?
Chris Buttenham
@tarungangwani Thanks so much for your comment! Hmm.. if I'm understanding you correctly, you want a bot to gather you information on this new user/prospect automatically?
Tarun Gangwani
@chrisbuttenham Yes... some sort of bot that scraps e-mail/name from the specific automated message in Slack and gives me info on that person (saving me a few googles). BTW sorry in advance for hijacking the hunt... been searching on this site for something that can help here, and it seems like your tool could work?
Chris Buttenham
@tarungangwani now I understand. Unfortunately, Obie's focus is with internal team/company knowledge so I don't think he would bend very well to your use case. I wish I knew an alternative for you!
Arvinder Singh
Looks great! Would definitely try it out!
Chris Buttenham
@askang Thanks, Arvinder! Let us know what you think after you dig in!
Chris Buttenham
@writerpollock - thanks a bunch for posting. This update is a big step for the Obie team, and it represents a big step towards our mission to help teams organize their knowledge and make it universally accessible and useful. is the brainchild of the team here at Tasytt. We are currently at 500 Startups working diligently to build a product that enables teams to have all the tools, knowledge and information they need to succeed — right at their fingertips. For the last eight months we’ve been squashing bugs, making our MVP tighter and listening closely to our users. In Obie 2.0 we’ve implemented “Responses” to help you manage your Q & A’s and gain insight into what questions your team is asking so you can better equip them. In addition to Google Drive, we’ve added four major integrations: Confluence, Evernote, Dropbox, and Google Sites so you can search knowledge that you already have in your favourite tools, without leaving @slackhq. We’ve also made the Flow UX much tighter (thank you for your patience), AND improved our AI/machine learning algorithms. If you haven’t yet already, install Obie to Slack (he’s free and excited to meet you)! We're happy to answer any questions that come up.
Andrey Zinoviev
It's so cool you don't have to leave slack to access what you need! Keep rocking guys!
Chris Buttenham
@andrey_zinoviev Thanks for the love, Andrey. We love Visabot :)
Nilesh Pandey
This product directly solves a problem that my team started having - we have all these resources stored in our Google Drive, but sometimes we lose track or forget about them. We're always on Slack, and this product will definitely help in keeping our team organized and on track!
John Kyeremeh
@nilesh_pandey Thanks for the positive words! How is your team updating the resources and ensuring the most up to date information is had? Btw we're always on Slack too!
Chris Buttenham
@nilesh_pandey thanks for commenting. Really happy to hear the problem resonates with you. Let us know what you think once you start diving in!
Artem Goldman
Finally, thanks for making it!
Chris Buttenham
@goldman_artem You're welcome ;)
Alex Sopinka
@writerpollock - thanks for posting! I'm Alex, the CTO of Obie. AMA if you have any questions about bots, building bots, or leveraging them usefully in a development team. :D
Raimonds Kulbergs
oh trying to find the needed doc is such a pain so often for me. Love the value prop and how it looks!!! going to give it a try!
Israel Gasperin
Great solution to save time in info search by using this great tool! Thanks Obie!