
Ntropy Income Check - Verify your customers' income in real-time via bank data


Income Check is a new endpoint built on top of our core transaction categorization and enrichment API. Fetch income, linking bank accounts within seconds. Onboard your customers instantly and get a detailed breakdown of income sources beyond payroll.

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Hey Product Hunters ! Ilia and I started Ntropy because we were shocked how bad the data coming from the banks is, despite it being the core source of information about a consumer or a business. While attempting to build financial products ourselves, we saw first hand how much work it requires to make sense of this data, let alone leverage it for mission critical use-cases, such as lending, payments and beyond. There needed to be an industry-wide solution capable of understanding financial transactions at scale with super-human accuracy, in order to power the next generation of financial services. We decided to build one. Ntropy core is a simple API that ingests transactions from all sources (aggregators, payment processors, cards) and provides a clean and unified view of who the parties are and what the transaction is about, returning merchant names, locations, logos, websites, as well as granular categories of given transactions. We currently support 6+ languages and are processing billions of USD worth of transactions. Yet, even with a clean overview of every transaction, it is still hard to make account holder level decisions and analyze customer behavior from their transaction histories. Thus we will be releasing a series of endpoints to make this easier for everyone. Income Check is our first launch. It allows you to verify your customers' income and analyze all incoming sources of funds directly from the bank. You do not need to worry about additional authentication flows, payslips or types of income that are not supported by payroll, such as Airbnb rentals, e-commerce gigs and more. The way we work is changing. Financial services are far behind. Income Check allows you to catch up with the current ways of working and earning without introducing any additional steps in the user journey. Our developer portal is here: Our main website is here: You can access Income Check here: Let us know if you have any questions or feedback! Excited to see what you build. Naré, Ilia and team Ntropy !
Ilia Zintchenko
@nareshka91 Lots of hardcore engineering behind the curtains. Finally out with a bang! 🔥
Arseny Kravchenko
@ilia_zintchenko yeah, we should share some of our tech details with the community!
Nikolay Karelin
Do I understand correctly, it is a tool to develop/integrate to personal bank/analytic apps?
@nikolay_karelin yes ! Allows to verify income to give out loans , approve mortgages , car credit and more
Nicole Zint
Incredible job - this product solves a very real problem
Ilia Zintchenko
@nicole_zint thanks for supporting!
notoriously hard problem tacked by the best team out there! looking toward to try! 🔥
Ilia Zintchenko
@lukaskoebis1 thanks for your support! will ping you with a key! 🔥
Kevin Jza Joo
Woah nice launch!! Looks super useful for verifying income for creators/modern jobs
@kevinj507 thank you !
Yohei Oka
Exciting! How is this problem solved right now? curious to know what you are changing exactly?
@yoheioka thanks for the question ! Everyone on the market is mostly still verifying payslips. Payroll aggregators like Pinwheel, Argyle et al are excellent alternatives, but they require a separate authentication journey from bank account linking, which ends up in drop off rates plus limited coverage.
Olga Abilova
Wow this is very cool. Very useful product ! 🙏✨
@olga_abilova thank you !
Ali Ataei
This product is real! Good luck.
Ilia Zintchenko
@zoom_in cheers, Ataei!
Alexander Nevedovsky
More banks should use something like this. Hopefully, they wouldn't miss this ;)
Ilia Zintchenko
@alexander_nevedovsky indeed! across a range of applications from underwriting to KYC and PFM!
Arseny Kravchenko
@alexander_nevedovsky As a person facing many problems proofing my financial stability for banks, landlords, and other orgs, I'd really hope solutions like ours became a standard in the fintech world.
@alexander_nevedovsky @arseny_info same here. Been an immigrant all my life. Moving around ! in lots of countries impossible to prove income!
Merve Tarayıcı
Congratulations on your launch!
Ilia Zintchenko
@mervetarayici thankyou, Merve!
Alec Mocatta
Worked with bank APIs extensively, so I know how hard this problem is. Great to see a product targeting this from such a strong team. Congrats on the launch!
Ilia Zintchenko
@alecmocatta cheers, Alec! Only became possible to do in the last few years with latest language model architectures!
Ahmed Medhat
Really cool! Definitely been there with this issue multiple times. Is this intended to be exposed to banks only or also to their clients?
Ilia Zintchenko
@amedhat for now only as an API to fintechs and banks. However, many of the products and services they build with it will be client facing!
Ezequiel Martin
Looks awesome! Is it available for Latam?
Cool! Lets collaborate :)
Ilia Zintchenko
@haserk looking forward!
Artur Safaryan
amazing, love it!
Ilia Zintchenko
@asafaryan_ thanks, Artur!
Kristina Rudzinskaya
This is super useful. Congrats on the launch and super excited to try!
Brandon Arvanaghi
This is fire! We needed this.
@brandon_arvanaghi thanks for the support to you and the MEOW team !!!!!!!!!!!!
Min Chae
Best of luck, sounds very useful in streamlining the process
Ilia Zintchenko
@hcha219 yap! thats the goal! thanks!
Ankit Sharma
Congratulations on the launch.
Paul Fisher
this could have some interesting implications on company metrics and how they are interpreted.
@paul_fisher2 interesting . Can you elaborate?