NTMY The Show - 2: Able Parris
The advantages of being self-taught vs. university, ...
Antoine Plu

Nice To Meet You - 5: Q&A with Tobias — Q&A with Tobias Van Schneider about Design questions


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Alex Carter
"With a little delay, here it is! Episode 5 of the #NTMY show. As announced in my intro a couple weeks ago, I will take the chance during some of my episodes and answer some of the questions you sent me via email. In this episode we talk about how I stay focused, if a design degree is required as a practicing designer and what advise I would give to my younger self. New episodes will appear on www.vanschneider.com/show If you like to send your own questions you can do so via Twitter @schneidertobias - And thank you @lizzyspano for helping me putting this together. NTMY is sponsored by www.semplicelabs.com - The portfolio platform."