
Novel Goggles - Plan, Analyse and Write Your Stories with Novel Goggles


The Novel Goggles web app tightly integrates your Story Outlining and Manuscript Writing tasks, making it easier to reference and edit your scene, character and location summaries while you write or plan your story and create complex story arcs to maintain a grip on your narrative.

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Evan Lewis
💡 Bright idea
Wow! Letting my inner nerd fly here, but this looks like a great resource for GMs who want their TTRPG notes, scenes, and characters all in one place. Very excited to watch your progress with this, all the best with the launch!
@evan_lewis Thanks! Yes! Another great angle worth pursuing! I will have to find a few TTRPG groups online to see if I can get some testers in that area.
Evan Lewis
@lionelwc Now is a great time to follow that train of thought, TTRPGs have risen in popularity and the recent controversy with Wizards of the Coast has brought a lot of attention to the games and pushed a lot of players onto Virtual Table Top products (a notable example is Foundry VTT). I've seen some other similar products integrate with those VTTs and doing something similar (or better) might turn a lot of eyes your way. But one step at a time aye! Again, best of luck with your launch, I'm always very excited to see products like this.
@evan_lewis Thanks for the heads up on VTT! I'll take a look at Foundry VTT. Integrating will take time but I can start sending out feelers in those communities to gather feedback.
💡 Bright idea
Totally awesome idea! It can be so great help in the process of creation! ✌🤩 I am thinking about one thing - if it can help with the copy - is there a grammar/spelling checker integrated perhaps (it can be even more helpful)? 😃
@maria_brm Thanks Maria! Currently, it is relying on the browser spelling and grammar checkers but integration with a spell-checker and thesaurus is on the roadmap for 2023! I'll investigate what grammar checking APIs there are but something like a Grammarly integration could work.
@lionelwc Amazing! Looking forward to try it out! And wishing you a lot of luck and joy during the process of further development! 🤗✨
@maria_brm Thanks!
Utkarsh Gupta
💡 Bright idea
This seems like a great idea for a lot of video creators in today's time. I am sure a lot of them are looking at ideas and inspiration for their scripts. Will surely give this a try! Congratulations on your launch @lionelwc 🔥
@ug911 Thanks! I'm initially targeting writers of novels and short stories but script-writing is an angle I intend to pursue further with targeted features later. It would be great to also get some feedback from scriptwriters now to see where it stands for that use-case.
Karan Parmar
Interesting angle. Webapp for writers. I’ll be taking a closure look at it
@twinr_team Thanks! Let me know what you think once you've had a chance to take a look.
I've been working on Novel Goggles for a couple of years now and it has finally reached the point where I think it can be useful to other writers. I've released a beta, and I'm hoping to get some feedback before I decide on where to focus with future development. Novel Goggles makes the process of planning, writing and editing creative fiction easier by assisting with story structure, making story outlines and notes editable and accessible on a scene-by-scene basis while you write, making it easier to re-organize a manuscript by dragging and dropping chapters and scenes in the story planning context, providing visual tools for story arcs and by making it easy for the writer to move around within their story outline and manuscript by scene order, story arc order, chronological order, character order or location. Any feedback from other writers or anybody who is interested at taking a look at Novel Goggles would be appreciated. You can leave feedback from within the app with integrated bug report and feature request functionality. Alternatively, you can e-mail
Richard Gao
As someone interested in writing, this is very useful!
@richard_gao2 Thanks for checking it out!
Thanks to everybody that supported my launch!