Been using Notion for months now, and I've got to say - it's an incredible product and Ivan's been amazingly responsive.
Great product, great team - keep up the great work!
This is amazing. Just one thing.… has anyone found the keyboard shortcut to go up a page?
Being able to navigate and jump around the document tree quickly is extremely important. Still haven't found anything better at that than Workflowly (but would love to switch)
Once that is done I can start using it for my personal tasks.
For my team though, we need @ replies (with notifications) and tables. I see that's on the roadmap so eagerly waiting. <3
I take a lot of notes everyday but never found a tool that'd make me drop pen and paper until I started to use Notion. It gives you everything to shape your very own workspace and it looks so nice! ❤️
@itsnblackburn From personal experience: the Mac app seems to be built on Electron, so a Windows app is not an unrealistic goal (think Atom). It does take a good bit of time to make a stable build, compared to *nix systems.
I must echo the sentiment that so many people here share; Notion is a well-conceived and expertly executed tool for knowledge work. I have used, and considered the merits of so many solutions purporting to solve the problems involved in contemporary knowledge work, and to my mind, none understand the problem quite as well as the team behind Notion. This is evidenced by the unique approach the app takes. Treat the document as a canvas, and each block as a type of information brush. You can compose the blocks on the canvas towards whatever end you want with just enough structure, and just enough freedom.
We do not conceive of the world of knowledge as a nested hierarchy of ideas, but as a network of ideas — a network of hierarchies. Notion gives you the ability to represent your knowledge in this way. Having used Notion for almost a year now, I can attest to the team's ability to consistently evolve the core ideas and add interesting new ones. I am excited to see the future of this app.