While a conversion tool is great, alternatively, you could just use Liberio (www.liber.io) to create a much cleaner conversion. Calibre really jumbles up the copy/code behind the eBook and doesn't format it properly. It will create a ton of errors.
With Liberio, using Drive integration, it creates a clean and simple format for the eBook. Something to consider.
@imcatnoone I disagree. Strongly disagree. Calibre is the best (for me). I am using it for years and I didn't have any problems, especially with the proprietary .mobi format.
Liber.io is something completely different by the way. I don't see why you are mentioning it!
@bogomep Ah okay that's great it has always done well for you! Mentioning because Liberio is a platform that allows you to create cleanly formatted eBooks, so there is never a need to convert. Figured I'd share.
We were just talking with @poornima yesterday about the need for a "full-stack" self-publishing tool that helps one distribute digitally and in print - has anyone here seen anything of the sort?
@eriktorenberg I'm working on a "full-stack" digital publishing platform called Packagr, but there's no print component to that. Independent print publishing is a very tricky game. I think digital is the way to go for most self-publishers.
Go to print only after you've been validated with lots of digital sales, or you're going to have boxes of books in your closet for years!
@dangoldin hope you've been well! picking this thread back up :) I'm getting ready to publish my latest book into multiple e-book formats. have you done that and used calibre for it?
I've been using Calibre on Mac for years, and the one thing I really, really wish it handled better was software updates. Downloading a 90mb .dmg every time a dot release comes out (which is every week or so because the developer is awesome) is a pain.
I always wished the following from calibre: 1. cleaner/better ui for Calibre (it's damn ugly) 2. automatically managed my library in a remote EFSS solution like Dropbox (having so many GB in my computer is a waste of space) as I mostly read from the tablet and not the computer, deciding which items I'd like to have locally if so 3. more folder structure configurations per libraries (calibre is locked to author/book), specially handy for managing comics 4. available on the mobile 5. better release upgrades 6. many other tiny things
Hence, I started developing my own project a couple of months ago to cover those needs (doing it during my free time so it's going slow), could privately share more info on the status of the project and I'd be interested in getting feedback as well
I love this product. Some operations are a little laggy (I think because it's written in single-threaded python), but it does _everything_ and makes managing a large library very easy. The ability to have books in several formats, and to convert from one format to another is great.
I use it on Windows 10.
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