Mathew Cropper

NewsWhip - Chrome extension that checks how viral your content is

Top Product

NewsWhip’s Chrome extension lets you monitor and predict the social media performance of any link, across three major platforms — Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Just how shareable is piece of content? The Chrome Extension is an easy way to see which links are being shared, and how they’re predicted to drive more interactions.

You can check which influencers are giving a story the most buzz across Facebook and Twitter.

The Chrome Extension dashboard displays Facebook engagements (likes, shares, comments, and reactions), Predicted Interactions, Twitter Influencer shares, and Pinterest Pins. The second half of the screen displays the Influencers for Facebook or Twitter.

You can get more details on the influencers by clicking on them and view the story in NewsWhip Spike by using the link at the foot of the page “View story on Spike”.

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Mathew Cropper
Top Product
Hi. I’m Mat, a Product Manager here at NewsWhip. I’m super pleased to share our latest product, the NewsWhip Chrome Extension, with the Product Hunt community. For those of you who subscribe to the Product Hunt newsletter, yes, I’m aware that we missed out on the “Must-have Chrome extensions” edition. Very sad face. Much missed out. Not to worry, though! Who are we, and what does this thing do? NewsWhip is the world’s most powerful social media database, empowering the world's leading publishers and brands to predict and understand the stories that will engage their audiences. Our customers love the predictive social analytics we provide for web content, and I’m really pleased to be able to offer that to you all for free using this extension. We predict how web content will perform on Facebook and Twitter, helping you to understand how best to approach incorporating it into your social media plan for the day. You can also see which influential Facebook and Twitter users are sharing the page, along with how many interactions their shares have. Install, register, and then click the extension on a web page to find out how it’s performing. It’s that easy. Looking forward to seeing it out in the wild and hearing your feedback, folks. I’ll be keeping an eye out for your comments here.
Martin Bryant
I've been using this for a few days and find it really useful for clicking through to see what influencers are saying about news stories.
Mathew Cropper
Top Product
@martinsfp Thanks, Martin! We're really glad you're finding it valuable 😀👍
Product Pearson
Ahhh NewsWhip.. It's been a while! (Web Summit 2013 and Spike user 2012-2014) Hope Paul is well! This Chrome extension looks great and I can't wait to try it out! Ash
Mathew Cropper
Top Product
@productpearson We can't wait for you to try it as well, Ash! I hope you enjoy it.