Salman Hossain Saif

NewsSavvy - Stay on top of trending news

Whether you are a news addict or just a casual news consumer, discover the app that will help you enjoy the news!

Become a productive news reader and Twitter user with NewsSavvy.

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Salman Hossain Saif
Whether you are a news addict or just a casual news consumer, discover the app that will help you enjoy the news! Become a productive news reader with NewsSavvy. Become a productive Twitter user with NewsSavvy. We help you focus on news and tweets that matter. NewsSavvy is your ultimate Twitter companion app. Even if you are just a casual user of Twitter and do not have the time or inclination to hunt down all the best accounts that fit within your interests, NewsSavvy is for you! NewsSavvy identify the trending stories on Twitter and categorize them then identify related tweets and offers you the ability to view them in chronological order (oldest first). You can select more than one country. We support the following countries: US, UK, France, Brazil, Japan, Germany, India and Australia. More to come. You can reorder the list of tabs. You can also activate / deactivate Dark Mode.
Jai Mareddy
@saif71 How are you guys currently collecting user feedback? I'd love to talk to someone within your startup about that workflow!
Salman Hossain Saif
@mareddyjai There is a 'Feedback' option in settings. You send your feedback there.
Varatha Rajan
Getting Error code on Android app, when I try to see tweets related to a news item.
Salman Hossain Saif
@varathavc Issue has been fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience,
Tom Christo
Seems to be 90% of Left bias articles from Left biased media organisations. How are we supposed to become "news savvy" without the full picture??