Chris Messina

NeuralCam Pro - Pro night mode photography on all iPhones

Top Hunter

Master the art of Night Photography with NeuralCam Pro NightMode, using the latest technologies based on AI & computational photography.
Shoot vivid, brighter and clearer images in low light conditions, with no tripod or other equipment needed.

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Alex Camilar
Hey again, Hunters! 😉 First things first, huge thanks to Chris for hunting our product, he’s been one of the most active ambassadors for NeuralCam in the last 6 months. We launched NeuralCam just 3 weeks before the iPhone 11 series release, and it was a huge success. We have over 7 million photos taken with NeuralCam - all this, with your help, of course. Today, NeuralCam becomes NeuralCam Pro. With last week’s 2.0 update, we’ve added complete professional photography features that allow everyone to manually adjust the settings they’re shooting with to their liking. You can now master the art of night photography with NeuralCam 📷 🌚 NeuralCam Pro works on all iPhones released in the past 5 years, which means over 700 million people can get a camera update without upgrading their hardware. We hope you and all the iPhone users out there will be as happy about this as we are. NeuralCam Pro also works on the selfie, telephoto and ultra-wide cameras on all iPhones, with the exception of iPhone 6s and 6s Plus selfie cameras, a limitation we’ll be looking at in the future. Enjoy NeuralCam Pro and keep close for promo codes throughout the day! We'll be giving out promo codes every 2-3 hours, so users from all timezones have a change of trying out the new update! 8:00 GMT: YPP46N7ML4WX 6WKNY3J7JXT3 TJ3LKAEEYRXH XF3HYXAYPWP6 KX4NMNP6TAKE F3WM7AA9H9YN 37NPT9JYT6NA NWJKH79M6LY9 NHNFXYMPMTA4 HHW7EMTAJXR4 10:00 GMT: 7KLYMEAA6RWF 3KW7WJEMR344 LJ7WMETY6AKW N6LT7L6AN6L6 YYKPJTXPA4WJ 4N446XTLHTEA L3PYN6TE6K7E FPFX3XAKE7RY L9K3E33NET4W LMPN6NJHWYA6 13:00 GMT: (Added some spaces between characters so bots can't get them automatically ;D remove the spaces and the codes will work) XW PW NA 6X YR YJ 7Y FN TP JF HA 9H RJ KR LJ TF WX PY NP RM Y4 HY AH 9F X9 7P W6 KR 67 JK J6 FN 3N XL MT WX MX WJ N7 7A YN YA 4M 6R EK KT 3P WY 6A 9R WX MM Y7 F6 M3 EP HK FH MW N4 17:00 GMT: (remove the space at the end) WY74TKN4FF NY WNM79HWPXY KX YYTYLM7EX4 YF KXH9NJT49P 36 FTFPEYMMMJ 4T FL9TNJJ7JR 69 RAJLM3M4RN 6J 4LR6FJ7KNP FM JK3ARFMXJT 6Y M9YFYE4YKN EE 20:40 GMT: (remove the space at the start) PN 3L7HLRLKX6 KK R3RAYFTYJT NE JJM3NFX4WL YL AKM464JL6F WK KT6NXAMA6F EH ET9TAHHXPK HY KE6KN7TJ7L 94 3XWKKTL639 KE ERNXNEHENF JK F7RP443H64
Alex Camilar
@undertaxxx25 we'll be adding more throughout the day :)
Christina Valerivna Seminskaja
Went and bought it, will update when it's dark outside and I have tried it.
Ghost Kitty
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Alex Camilar
@tinq0 we've gathered a lot of feedback from our users and tried to add as much value as we could in terms of features, in the Pro update. We're not done yet, so keep the feedback coming :)
Looking forward to test this out if I manage to grab a code!
Basim aman
Bad Luck ! all codes are taken. :(
Alex Camilar
@basim_aman I just added more codes! :)
MX WJ N7 7A YN YA. Thanks!
Joe Batutis
Hoping you add more codes!
🙏🏻 Thank you. 4LR6FJ7KNP FM
Rohan Chaudhary
@alex_camilar1 The app keeps crashing after clicking a picture.
Alex Camilar
@rohan_chaudhary3 what device model do you have? And what settings are you using?
N Chamalla
Thank you! (Used: WKKT6NXAMA6F) :)
Ni ✌🏾& ❤️
Hi Are there any more codes or did I miss the party? Would love to try on my iPhone 11
It is way slow and definitely not practical to use for normal day to day photography...I have started using app called brightly where I process pictures at my convenience as and when needed.
Konstantin Dokcuhaev
@alex_camilar1 can you contact me ? I wrote on Twitter, but you didn't respond. I need some codes for a review on