Very similar to Product Hunt collections. Awesome idea and could be an effective marketing strategy in partnership with big brands or influencers, curating shows and movies. I wonder if it will make its way into the core Netflix experience.
@rrhoover Intriguing, though I'm not sure the branding lands. The concept of a "mixtape" in the notion it evokes is one of the musical variety, wherein there are a collection of songs grouped together pertaining to a particular theme or emotion. The difference here, though, is that movies and TV shows are media of a much longer variety than songs (even long songs).
I think the analogy to a "Collections" mentality is a better, if broader, example. The term "collections" need not imply any particular length or connote any preconceived experience, as the term "mixtape" does.
In terms of curation. however, I think that this looks towards a different dynamic. The point of (most) curation is essentially to eliminate the need for active choice; at its core, it's meant to build a list of media morsels so easily digestible that the consumer need not apply any repetitive attention to the selection process after a sufficient ratio has been found.
Collections, on the other hand, are less structured than basic curation. While curation relies on a continued determinism in its functionality (that is to say, it relies on previous steps and examples to further build upon them), the collection mentality is much more fluid and abstract. Collections can be made along any number of logical lines or themes, or they can be assembled according to none of these.
Simply in terms of marketing and branding, Netflix might consider that more benefits reside in the ability to maintain an abstract dynamic in this collection-building, at least for the moment that it exists as a new offering on the platform.
@rrhoover at scale, curation makes its way to almost everything, as it should. Giving the ability to curate to users is where the magic comes in (like with PH collections).
Curation Nation FTW!
I could see this really catching on if they allowed people to list individual episodes rather than entire shows. People could essentially create TV channels.
Really giving their 'Netflix and Chill' dating game a new angle hey?!
How does it work I hear you ask?
(from their site)
Flixtape is a short playlist of Netflix titles based around a theme, a mood or message. Itβs like a mixtape, but for Netflix.
1. Name your Flixtape
The name of your Flixtape is everything it's how we kick off your playlist with a few movies and shows that capture the vibe you want. Type in the feeling you're trying to capture a nod to the genre you love to geek out on or a message to the person receiving it.
2. Edit your playlist
Mix it up. The editor allows you to replace and remove any of the 3 titles Flixtape has suggested for you. You can also search for and add up to 6 total titles to your playlist.
3. Customize your cover
Your Flixtape is meant to be personal. Each one has a customizable cover with doodles that match just about any theme. Feel free to personalize it even more by adding the name of a friend, loved one, or whoever else is lucky enough to get your awesome Flixtape.
4. Share it
Launch your Flixtape into the world with Twitter or Facebook. You can also share it with someone special via email or text. Anyone who has the privilege of viewing your Flixtape will see your amazing title, experience your custom cover, peruse your playlist and watch the titles on Netflix (as long as they have an active account).
As someone who habitually "looks for something to watch" for 45 mins, only to just say f it I'm rewatching The Office again prettttttty much 3x a week.... THIS IS AWESOME
I love that this is something they can put out at Netflix. As a developer, it shows that they are still open to fun innovation. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to work at certain companies.
Will be interesting if they'll integrate it into the core experience. And why do tech companies create funny names for things. Just looks doofy. Call it playlists. It's not that interesting or original for it to have its own brand. IMHO
Ha. Fun thing to do, create a new list and use your name, then see what 3 titles they add to the list based on your name! Mine was: Orange is the New Black, Marco Polo, The 100 - Great idea by Netflix. There is so much content that you never see due to their suggestions by account and by country.
The product definitely evokes the nostalgia of mixtapes. Some feedback to the flixtape team: my friend created a flixtape mix and shared it on his facebook wall - first up - it didn't show my friend's collection but what flixtape is. Second, even when the link was clicked it was 2-3 steps to get to the actual content that was curated. I think leading by content should make it more social than advert about what flixtape is. This is by the way Netflix's fourth attempt at social. Hope it works.
Will be interesting to see how this is used. Hope to find some great flixtapes to be inspired.
I also would like to create flixtapes with specific episodes. My first thought was that I could create playlists for my kids and just select the favourites they like to watch over and over again.
This may solve the problem of spending 30 minutes looking for something interesting to watch, only to give up. This has happened to me many times. I like the concept.
I've had some issues with Flixtape not listing streaming movies or TV shows that are available in its catalog. I search for them by name but they don't show up. Anyone else run into this?
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