Rishub Kumar

Cost of Living Calculator - City comparison tool to see how far your salary will go

Moving to a new city? The Cost of Living Comparison Calculator crunches the numbers across 250 cities so you can compare living cost indexes such as housing, transportation, food, and other expenses. See how far your salary will go to maintain your standard of living.

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John Borden

Basically I'm just whining because the data is a tad incomplete and everyone still thinks I live in a part of the country that doesn't exist.

It's actually really slick and well put together.


It's actually quite fun to play around with


I live in New Mexico. My friends live in New Mexico. I don't see any cities from New Mexico. Makes it less entertaining.

Yeah, I think they have to work a bit more on the data, but such a calculator is very helpful... By the way, I am planning to move to the Philippines and I have already found on costoflivingreports.com all the information regarding the prices for the rent, food, transportation, but definitely, I will check the information on this calculator as well, in order to be sure of the data provided. Actually, such a calculator and all the sites that provide information about the costs of living in another country or city are very helpful...
Adam Davies
This looks interesting. Is there an api available for this information? I have a project that could make great use of it.
Rhut Vasavada
@adammydesign I'm not sure if they have an API, but there are other 3rd party APIs you could use. Here's one: https://www.numbeo.com/api/doc.jsp
Rishub Kumar
@adammydesign You can also use the source from which we got the data, the cost of living index: http://coli.org/products/
Charlie Kaplan
This is cool and now I feel even more broke
Rishub Kumar
@ciwk Thanks Charlie! It definitely makes me want to move cities
Minu Palaniappan
ATL 😎 > SF 😫
Denis Dinkevich
nice one! it would be cool if you whenever add an EMEA area as well. anyway, congrats on launching and looking forward to seeing the bravest city of Kiev, Ukraine on your list soon 😺
Rishub Kumar
@diskevich Thanks Denis! We are always working on adding more data, and hope to add EMEA areas in the future!
JΓ³hann Hannesson
This is a really nice looking tool, but seems to have some odd cities missing... Portland, OR is missing which seems odd, but the tiny Oregon town of Klamath Falls is in the data set.
JΓ©rΓ©mie AndrΓ©
Hope you'll be bringing European countries data soon!
Rahul Pandey
This is very slick and fun to play around with :)
Parthiv Patel
Pretty cool! Hurts seeing housing prices 60%+ lower basically everywhere haha. Also, can't search for Columbus by name.
Nice APP.. what about inserting some European cities in the game? For example, what about... Barcelona?
Kirill Soloviev
Uhm, is there a reason to use this product when we have https://teleport.org?
Allen Rapadas
Any chance for adding Canadian cities in the future? Cool idea!
Jp Valery
What's the added value compared to the same tool by Numbeo ?
Justin Kruger
This isn't very accurate the SF estimates are too low, and cities like Milwaukee, and Portland are not available.
if there is one place I don't want to live, it's the United States, and for tourism I would honestly rather visit North Korea than the U.S. If this website includes places not in the U.S, then it could be interesting.
Natalia Hryhorova
Im exighted to try!
Chris Johnson πŸ˜†πŸ₯˜πŸ
Simplistic (seriously under-rated), easy to consume, quick response = very happy user. I'm moving soon and I'm not sure where, so it's good to know how far my money will go. (sucks that no matter where I move my money goes less far due to where I live, lol)
Asher Harris

It's a wake up call to the stark differences in living costs across America.


Simple, easy to use,


I wish there was one for other cities outside London