Christopher Hopkins

Natter - Consolidated chatter from Trello starred boards.

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Christopher Hopkins
This is a little Javascript app that I built last night for viewing consolidated chatter amongst starred Trello boards. I wanted a single purpose app to view all of the conversations happening amongst members of a specific board, and I didn't want to see any other events cluttered in amongst it. I'd like to wrap it up into a FluidApp and integrate some of their neat features: It's super simple at the moment. Oh, and it's open-source for any to use under the MIT license.
Ryan Hoover
@hopkinschris the branding is delightful but I'd like to see more of the product before authenticating Trello. I imagine some people have concerns about giving people access to this information. Do you have images of what it looks like that you can share?
Christopher Hopkins
@rrhoover Absolutely, here's a couple screenshots. I will add one to the homepage when I get the chance :)
@hopkinschris Lovely real world application of codrops snippets: ;)
Eric Soelzer
Sounds like something I need, but I agree with @rrhoover - wish I could read/see more before linking to my company's Trello!
Christopher Hopkins
@esoelzer Yup, I would be hesitant as well. I will work on that. It's also available as open-source, so you have the option to download it, and run in on your own system or within your own company if that's something you dig :)
Christopher Hopkins
Natter is now purely an open source project. You will need to fork the project and setup your on instance of it on Heroku.