(Sunsetted) content network with member rewards
Rosemary O'Neill
Narrative — (Sunsetted) content network with member rewards
Narrative was a content platform with member rewards and governance tools. It was sunsetted on Jan 24, 2020. Code has been open-sourced.
Rosemary O'Neill
Hi Hunters! Are you tired of the same-old, same-old problems with your online content? Arbitrary censorship, random account takedowns, fake news, trolls/bots, data ownership questions, creepy ads following you around? We are too. That's why we created Narrative, a content platform where the people are in charge of quality ratings, moderation, and policy. For real. Also, 85% of revenue goes back to the members. Narrative is free to use, and all content is public, so there's no mystery about what's being seen by whom. Dive on in, the water's warm... Our team is here to answer questions if you've got any!
Jerrod Belcher

I have high rank on platform for being active and more!!


Love the whole platform!!


Still room to grow and improve we working hard on it!!

Jayme Soulati

This platform puts hundreds of bloggers, writers, content marketers into one location where people have the chance to write, share, interact in a community, and boost their topics of choice.


A visionary startup and platform that is allowing authors to post content for cash by owning niches of specialty topics.


The community, powered by Hoop.La, gives feedback and technos vote to accept. Community democracy by a core group of smarties.

Tammy Thompson

The community support group is very responsive to any issues that are raised.


I like how the community is based on self governance through moderator elections and the Tribunal of elected members.


It is still in the Beta stage so there are improvements that can be made in the editor.

Os P

The best time to plant a tree with 10 years ago the next best time is now. The same applies to Narrative take and find value in new opportunities


Creative new approach to social networking that pays users and rewards them for their efforts and contributions.


There is still room to grow as the network launch began today the time for an investment is now.

Kaity Botsford

Come join the content revolution!


Taking money out of the Big guy's pockets and putting it where it is fairly distributed to its users.


It is improving daily, the more feedback the better

Will Delander

Membership is really small. Content isn't very good. I don't see anything that will attract new users. I'm putting my efforts into


Nice appearance


To get high reputation you have to pay to be certified. To create "niches" you need to buy them. "Pay to play" mentality - ponzi scam!

Jerrod Belcher
I’m part of the family and love it..! You haven’t joined yet 😳what are you waiting for?!