Name 2 Email
Find and Verify Email Addresses for FREE
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠

Name2Email by Reply — Get any email based on someone's name


Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
Pretty neat chrome extension built on top of Gmail. Get any email based on someone's name. I'm an avid use of Mailbox though.... but when will they ever learn? ;) Are there people that still use gmail browser? I see myself using that only for this feature haha. Great stuff!
Ouriel Ohayon
1 typical shortcut you missed apparently is intials in your example above
Oleg Bilozor
@ourielohayon great suggestion, thanks. but not sure though how often people have such pattern.. we could add it as custom pattern in options
Brandon Lipman
Really like this tool. It is a lot better than doing this process manually. I previously used a Google Sheet template that would create all of the possible combinations and paste that it the "To" field.
Oleg Bilozor
@lipmanb Brandon, glad you like it! Feel free to reach out to me directly at if you see that something didn't work smooth for you or if you have any suggestion. Or let me know in case if you need to have more email patterns. We are thinking as well to add in extension setting the possibility to add custom email patterns.
Brandon Lipman
@olegcl If you want me to send you the template that I used previously I can. Another tool that I use for this is SellHack. However, with SellHack I have found that the quality of the results is not consistent.
Oleg Bilozor
@lipmanb definitely, send me over. We tried to use the most common patters, so users will do not need to go with their mouse over with all long list of rare email patters. But being able to customize the patterns list as you want in plugin settings, could be an option. What do you think?
Stuart McCroden
@lipmanb I made to address this issue. It's very simple. And, it place email guesses in bcc field.
Frank Fumarola
Not quite sure I get it. All of the emails have a hover card in gmail? And a lot of corporate emails never set a picture.
Oleg Bilozor
@mil5om Great suggestion, Benjamin! We haven't really thought about it. But what we can do instead is to find the way to emulate (automatically on a background with JavaScript) user going mouse over via all suggested variants and picking the right one, once see the match with google, rapportive or sidekisk profile.
Oleg Bilozor
@barryhand Thanks Barry! That is right. Our tool work best with rapportive. Gmail by itself already as well not that bad at matching emails to people names.
Pushkar Gaikwad
Hi Oleg, the plugin looks to be great. Does it work independently too or do I need rapportive with it ?
Oleg Bilozor
@pushkargaikwad Thank you, Pushkar. The plugin work independently, but with rapportive you will get extra level of email validation.
Benjamin Milsom
A great start! Will there be an element of machine learning involved i.e. will reduce the number of emails suggested?
Baz Hand
This is pretty clever for those who need to find email addresses. Looks like a mix of address permutations + rapportive. Added to my Email Discovery Tools collection >>
Oleg Bilozor
@barryhand Barry, thanks for adding our tool to your collection!
Anuj Adhiya
Added to my Tools to Find People's Email collection:
Oleg Bilozor
@anujadhiya thank you!
Shamaila Zahid
@olegcl I have tried Name2email, works well! Added to my collection of email finders-
Ahmad Awais ⚡
@oleg Not working in my Macbook Pro, Chrome 44. What could be the reason?
Oleg Bilozor
@mrahmadawais Not sure. We will have a look in this and let you know if we find/fix the issue. Thanks for letting know.
Jubayer Ahmed ABIR
this extension is not work now . I don`t know whats the problem . can any solve this problem ? please contact me as soon as possibe.
Habib Habibi
@gmail @jubayer_ahmed_abir I also couldn't find it. Did you find any solution??
Habib Habibi
I couldn't find name 2email by reply extension and any alternative, if any one know something, please let me know.
i cannot find this extension on Chrome Web Store can anyone tell me what happend ??
Habib Habibi
@nirob1 did you find and solution for it?
Joel Azevedo
I feel sorry for Craig Rosenberg's Inbox today :) Cool idea for an extension. Will try it.
Oleg Bilozor
@joelazeved0 Hahah, hope he will not mind or we will need to do a lot to redeem our fault :) thank you!
Aaron Hanson
@olegcl nice work! You have so much up your sleeve!
Oleg Bilozor
@crixlet Hey Aaron, thanks for your comment! And yes, hopefully :)
Andrea Hill
Passed onto my sales team, thanks!
syeda arzina akter
I couldn't find name 2email by reply extension. Do u know any substitute about it? Please let me .
Chella Rao
I couldn't find name2email by reply extension and any alternative, any reason?