
Mural - Show your work. Tell your story.


Mural is the easiest way to create beautiful work portfolios that win clients, impress employers and build your reputation. Perfect for writers, consultants, marketers, product managers, investors, and academics.

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ajay rajani
Hi there fellow Hunters, Ajay, Founder of Mural here. As someone who’s experimented with a bunch of industries, startups and job types, it’s often been difficult for me to effectively explain what I do and prove that I’m any good at it. On the flip side, I’ve always admired how efficient it is for designers (via portfolios) and engineers (via Github) to share their real-life work products -- from from full-time jobs and passion projects alike. So, we created Mural as an easy way for the rest of us to do just that. 1) Creating a Mural is as easy as copying/pasting URLs. Mural users share links to posts, docs, videos and spreadsheets they’ve created; companies they’ve worked or consulted for; products they’ve helped build; press coverage their projects have received...and much more. 2) Using those URLs, our software creates beautiful cards that preview the content for viewers and enable you to add important context like who else contributed to the work and what kind of outcome it drove or what you learned in the process. 3) Once you’ve added a couple cards, you can order them how you see fit and group them into sections that tell a story about your various interests or career growth. 4) When you’re ready to share a Mural, it takes just a few clicks to curate it for specific audiences and privacy preferences (i.e. which pieces of work to show to whom) and easily embed into existing websites as well. So far, we’ve seen Murals used by freelance copywriters, videographers & marketers to showcase their work, build custom portfolios for specific practices/clients and easily keep existing websites to date with their latest work. We’ve also seen it used by product managers, students and academics as an alternative to a boring/unvalidated CV or hard-to-build personal site. I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback and seeing what kind of Murals you create!
Guus Hoeve
@ajr771 I love the design of this! Well done on simplifying content creation for portfolios in an elegant way, and applicable to multiple use cases. Just have some feedback because I care :) The only thing I'm missing is context of the cards, or sections as you filter them by, since the cards are identical in presentation. Like how to distinguish an article from a project on your sample page is "hard" visually as all cards are the same, and the feed forward is lacking imo for the content that I'm about to see. Also, having the sections represented as cards in the same order as content was misleading to me since they are not interactive and I thought my add-blocker was the problem. After disabling there was still no content to show, and only after that it became clear to me they just represented the sections. The solution is ok I guess, but the visual hierarchy confused me since the presentation is the same as the others, so I expected it to do something as well. Good job maestro and thanks for sharing! 🖖
ajay rajani
@guus_hoeve Great feedback, thanks Guus. The idea of distinguishing behind file/work types is clever! And re: sections, that is something we're actively considering changing. We've found solutions that work well on either mobile or desktop, but not both quite yet. Will let you know when we do :)
Philip Källberg
Hey ajay, congrats on the launch, this looks great! Are you planning to support custom domain going forward?
ajay rajani
@philip_kallberg Hi Philip, thanks for the positive note! Yes, we're absolutely planning on supporting custom domains. It won't make it into our next release in July, but is on the short list for late summer/early fall release.
ajay rajani
@philip_kallberg Will do, thanks a bunch!
Pretty cool. Going to use this for my personal website. :)
Anna Filou
This looks fantastic! I'm not a product manager or marketer but I can still see this is gonna solve a real issue many people have!
ajay rajani
@anna_0x Thanks Anna, much appreciate the support! (and feel free to share with friends who you think it could help :) )
Ajit Singh
This is awesome! Looking forward to using it!
Aswini Anburajan
Love what Ajay and Avishkar have been building ... super needed in a market where knowledge work reigns supreme!
Nicole Rajani

This will be a great resource for all sorts of freelancers


It's a new way to share your proudest and coolest work achievements


Don't see any

Hemant Jani
@ajr771 Pretty Cool, Just created my first Card for my blog.
ajay rajani
@techovarya Awesome, lmk if you need any help building out further. Excited to see what you add next :)
Lewis Kang'ethe Ngugi
A.M.A.Z.I.N.G Just created my first portfolio! It's a WIP and I love it Mural!! Here's what I have done so far! When adding a contributor, could you add the field for a twitter handle? https://muralapp.io/ngeshlew
ajay rajani
@ngeshlew1 Amazing work! (and what an impressive set of skills you have) Great idea re: adding social handles for contributors . We'll work it into our roadmap soon.
Brandon Hyman
Can we please stop naming design/product services the same thing? Look around the space and see if there's already a well-used tool that could reasonably be confused with your product.
ajay rajani
@brandononearth That's a fair point, Brandon. Will keep in mind for future!