
Morning Ninja - Wake up by your favorite Instagram Influencer πŸ’ͺ


Due to changing in Instagram API, we are shutting down the project. Thank you for using it. <3
Make this your last sleepy Monday! MorningNinja helps you start your day with your favorite Instagram Infuencer.

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John Hill
I love the concept -- and perhaps even more importantly, the visibility of the challenge it highlights. It's not clear how if I can leverage it without Alexa, however. Any help or direction to where more details are available? Clicking on "Ask the Makers" did not seem to do anything.
@je_hill Thank you John for a thoughtful reply. Happy to answer any questions you have regarding the Alexa skill. To get started, you can just ask: "Alexa, Ask Morning Ninja to hit me with Motivation" and it will play a short audio from Gary Vee or other influencer to pump up your day. πŸ’ͺ
John Hill
@rishijash Can you use it WITHOUT Alexa? We are still Alexa-deficient.
@je_hill You can use our web app as well:
Shivani Patel
Hello everyone  πŸ‘‹, Me and my friend @rishijash graduated last year and have been working in Tech industry from over a year now. After starting the work life, we realized that life gets mundane very quickly and mediocracy gets over the long term goals. As passionate engineers with goals we wanted to fix that so we decided to build a quick instagram motivation tool: Use it to set alarms from your favorite Instagram Influencer and let them wake you up or when you're on your way to work or getting back from work and feeling demotivated ask Alexa to motivate you using our skill and you will be PUMPED UP.  πŸ’ͺ As always, We would love some feedback and happy to answer your questions. πŸ™
Lidia Klingenberg
Something I need every morning lately... motivation to NOT have a lazy day πŸ˜… Can this be used as an alarm to wake you up in the morning through your phone? I unfortunately don't have an Alexa :/
@lidiaklingenberg Thank you Lidia for checking it out and for providing amazing feedback. We will try to bring a mobile app for this soon.
gary brookes
just tried to enable it and alexa says "this skill no longer exists"
Shivani Patel
@gary_brookes Thank you for trying out morning ninja alexa skill! I believe the alexa skill is available in the US store, you should be able to enable it using this link :
gary brookes
@shivani_23 hi, I'm in Australia, its not available on, I wish the USA would realise that there's a whole other world out there!
@shivani_23 @gary_brookes Hi Gary! Deep apologies for that! Shivani brought that up and we felt really bad about it. We just fixed it and it is under review. The skill should be available in US, Canada, India and Australia soon. (Once approved from Alexa team) Thank you!
Vihas Shah
What a fantastic way to wake up.. Excited to try it!!
@vihas_shah Thank you.. We are excited for you try it as well!