
Moonshot - Photo challenges, only original content & no ads


- take a picture and choose 1 hashtag, every # is a new challenge
- It has only original content, you canโ€™t choose photos from your camera roll
- no ads or trackers
- Each photo + users are ranked, the objective is to achieve the final rank of Moonstar!

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Hi guys, I found this app and I like the concept! I am not involved in the product. ?makers if you are reading this, thanks for your cool app and good luck with it. All the best from Switzerland, Robin
@robinkunz Thanks for sharing the app in Product Hunt. We are currently in beta test, adding new features every week.
Daniel James
I'm definitely curious to try this out. It looks fun!
Martin F. C
Amazing, super happy that Moonshot is on Product Hunt!! ๐Ÿ˜„
L'acquario di Sofia
It's a very good idea! I love it! ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ‘
cecilia marchetti
Top top top ๐Ÿ”
looks nice. I will try this app.
@vivekweb2013 thanks, can't wait for your feedback
Celeste Polimanti
Super social!!!
We love photography, other social networks are full of fake news and everything seems an advertisement. We wanted a social that could inspire you taking great photos and we love videogames so it has rpg elements. The idea started with creating a social network where only instant photography is allowed, this means that you can't upload pictures from your gallery. Then we added game elements, like challenges, real time ranking for photos and users. Currently we are in beta test phase. You can download the iOS and iPadOS beta using Testflight. Can't wait for your feedback.
Davide Sandrini
Original and funny app to make photography with element that reminds me RPG games ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป