All the information you need. No distracting screens.
Jordan Singer

Moment — All the information you need. No distracting screens.

David Feng
This is a very neat idea but will depend a lot on execution. My question is, with so many potential patterns, will it be hard to differentiate among them? What if I miss a haptic beat and get confused? I imagine that can be like reading morse code in the dark... Does the display communicate?
Ghost Kitty
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David Feng
@ajaykarpur that's pretty awesome. It's one of those things you really have to try in order to understand. Looking forward to this.
This seems great combination of hardware and software to improve personal senses. Great to see ASU students are developing awesome product.
Ghost Kitty
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Jake Rockland
@deepdeviant Awesome to hear that you're so excited about what we're doing. We're definitely all very passionate about looking for ways that technology can enhance our lives without detracting from them. We're excited to have a lot of great feedback from our backers to help us figure out ways to improve Moment 😄
Micka Touillaud
@jakerockland love your Idea! We must already know Time Well Spent movement.. That's definitely our next wanted interactions: seamless and instinctive. Hope that the community will take pleasure with your SDK and that we will start designing valuable interactions with our technology! Have a great journey ;)
Jake Rockland
@mickatouillaud We're definitely excited about the future of seamless and screenless tech! 😄
Jake Rockland
Hey everyone! Moment is the first device that communicates entirely through your sense of touch. It gives you a tactile metronome, invisible caller ID, silent GPS navigation, and tactile timers. Feel free to comment with any questions or feedback-- we'll get back to you as soon as we can! ❤️😄
Brian Lee
Site down?
Jake Rockland
@kay0stheory SIte is back up now! We had a temporary issue, but it should be fixed now.
Nick Mathis
Great idea! I will be following this.