Sungjae Hwang

MODI - Create anything you want with robotics of things


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Neel Kadia
This word 'MODI' stands for current Prime minister of India, aka Narendra Modi. Modi is a cast in Gujarat,India from where I am belong. #JustSaying
@neelkadia The day when you see Modi is trending on PH. :P
Sungjae Hwang
Hey, Everyone! I’m SJ, the BoD member of LuxRobo. I’m super excited to present MODI, modular kit for your DIY IoT and robotic creations. With MODI, anyone can create IoT and robotic devices. I and the team would love some feedback on this and if you have some questions ask away! Thank you!
@romanticjay If i want to create moving parts like legs or hands or fingers. Can i do it?
Rahul Kapoor
@romanticjay Hi! Amazing product but the site is super slow in loading images. Please, reduce image size so that they load much faster.
Sanghun Oh
@sridhar_kondoji @romanticjay Yes! you can if you use 3D printer or Lego (
Sanghun Oh
@rahulkapoor90 @romanticjay Thank you for information we will change image!
Sungjae Hwang
@rahulkapoor90 We'll fix it. Thank you!
As someone who is prototyping hardware and has worked closely in teaching kids electronics and digital fabrication I'm very happy to see this. There's still one thing I wonder about though - how are these better/different from littleBits?
Sanghun Oh
@makerraitis Thank you for having interest about MODI! There are big differences from Littlebits. First of all, MODI has operating system on each module, so modules can be connected in any direction and order with infinite number of module theoretically. In addition, MODI is covered with intuitive designed case, so children don't have to see circuit board. Coding software tool with graphic language(availability of converting graphic language to computer programming language) is also good to teach logical thinking and basic programming. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
@sanghun_oh Thanks for getting back to me, you make some valid points here, now I see the differences!
phantom V
@makerraitis @sanghun_oh hy CEO ,pls come to india you will get free marketing , and one free slogan for your product ,modi hai tho mumkin hai that means everything is possible with MODI🤣
phantom V
@makerraitis @sanghun_oh and send me the demo video of your product on ig.newg.en(instagram) i will promote it fro free...
Roi Nam
I am not specially good at IoT, but as a plain software developer, it seems interesting that you can easily combine your software engineering knowledge with actionable modules such as motor module and IR module. And I pretty much like your cat feeding example. :-) Looking forward to seeing more modules and examples from MODI~
Sungjae Hwang
@sungpil_nam Thanks! We'll do our best to realize it! =)
Marcin Odchyl
A good way to interest kids with robotics, automation and coding. Providing a few levels of features you can adjust to the age and knowledge... like lego duplo for kids and lego technics or older kids ... It's a rocket, guys! Good luck!
Marcin Odchyl
wow, you can consider to provide proximity or inductive sensor, weight sensors, speakers, holders, servomotors, thermometers or other digital inputs devices ... there are so many solution. Wow. I'm really impresed.
Sanghun Oh
@marcinodchyl1 WoW Thank you so much! Please keep your interest in our product!!
Jorge V Mendoza
Just saw the kikstarter video, this product is gonna be the bomb!!
Sanghun Oh
@jorgevmendoza Thank you! Please keep your interest in our product!!
@romanticjay luv the simplicity. I will definitely try this. Just a side note. AboutUs link on your site is not linked properly.
Sanghun Oh
@sridhar_kondoji @romanticjay Sorry, our site has big figure so we will change all of figure!
david grossblatt
They finally made IT!
Sanghun Oh
@dmgrossblatt Thank you! Please keep your interest in our product!!
Moulay AbdelJalal Aitelharch
At first look, it seemed too similar to LittleBits, but then I checked the other gifs and now i get it, 1 word genius !
Sanghun Oh
@moulay_abdeljalal_aitelharch Thank you! Please keep your interest in our product!!
The more i look at it, the more i feel like i am assembling NAND and NOR gates to build a circuit that solves a specific problem.
Sanghun Oh
@sridhar_kondoji Hi! Thank you for interest you can make NAND NOT NOR logic on our MODI studio
ITTT ALL THE THINGS. @romanticjay @sanghun_oh
Eric Anderson
So this is really cool! But I wanted to make one suggestion about your website: The homepage is 5.5MB!!!! That's huge. I found it loaded reasonably slow on at 60mbps connection. It would likely be incredibly slow on mobile. You might want to make some improvements here.
Sanghun Oh
@theericanderson Thank you for information! we will change our image! keep your interest please!
Hussein shtia
Sanghun Oh
@hussein_shtia Thank you! Please keep your interest in our product!!
Abhilash Jain
Finally someone went ahead and made this. I still remember all the circuits, resistors and wires I used to connect to do the exact same function back in the days.
Sanghun Oh
@findabhilash Thank you! Please keep your interest in our product!