@subho_halder U are like a mind reader. This is the first basic version. With a lot of things in pipeline and we have also considered a similar idea. Hopefully will be able to put it soon.
Thanks @kwdinc for hunting us.
Hello Hunters, Pritesh this side. GD Singh and I created MobileStack.io, a hand curated list of 300+ best mobile app tools and resources to grow you app users to millions and more. These resources have been handpicked and features the top 10 - 15 resources from each category, whenever you need :)
Its inspiration came from many fronts including @andy_carvell who famously built the Mobile Growth Stack and also Product hunt for its awesome design. In addition to of course a few fantastic other famous directories.
Why did we build this? Well for the following 4 reasons -
1. We have been in the mobile community for more than 5 years and have seen the maze the mobile world has become.
2. We already run a product called Uninstall.io (niche mobile analytics company) to help mobile apps understand their churn/retention and thus almost daily speak to developers, product and marketing teams.
3. We wanted to share all the resources we learned and saw others use it to grow, in a very “Product Hunt” style format
4. We wanted to make something useful for the PH community to experience and consume
And thus MobileStack.io :)
Now coming to the question that what does it do and how is it different?
1. MobileStack.io – picked 25+ important categories to deep dive and hand pick 300+ resources that would be immensely helpful to app developers. Most of this information has come from directly speaking to various stakeholders in the mobile app world.
2. A quirky “Tool Finder” --- To help you quickly help pick up a tool based on your current needs or priorities.
3. Build Your Dream App With All Free Tools. “The Zero Dollar Stack”. We have painstakingly created a handy guide to list the tools that you would need to grow your app and the best part of it is that all these tools are not only FREE but truly world class as well. So, if you are thinking you cannot build that app as it costs a lot, you are in for a surprise dear.
4) (Coming Soon) Great Mobile Deals – Best of deals on Mobile Tools
5) (Coming Soon) Mobile Experts – The best people of mobile industry available for help.
MobileStack is my hobby project being personally fascinated with the app world. Otherwise I am the co-founder of Uninstall.io and also building a Bots based startup (launching soon on PH)
We will be hanging around here the entire day to answer your questions, you can ask us anything you like :)
Congrats on being featured on PH! Nice directory :)
Would be great if you can also add Inapptics (http://inapptics.com/) to your list. It's a mobile analytics platform which helps app creators visually analyze actual user behavior and leverage usage data to build awesome user experiences.
Great product! Definitely passed my initial "well let's see if they've included X" checklist, and quite a few discoveries made!
A few bits of feedback on the search experience:
- Prefix handling: When I search "new," NewRelic comes up well down the list, below results which I assume have the full word "new" in their description somewhere.
- Highlighting results: Highlighting the part of the result that contains the query makes it easier to understand results
- As-You-Type Experience: your home page already looks like a search results page, which is a great opportunity to have results update with each keystroke.
You can see a lot of other suggestions for a great search experience at grader.algolia.com - none of them require you to be using Algolia, although it's not the worst idea in the world :)
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