Chris Messina

Mixmax Live for Mac - Real-time analytics for all your email

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Olof Mathé
Since Dropbox just buried Mailbox, we decided to launch a native desktop experience for Mixmax, the ultimate productivity suite for professionals. :) Mixmax “Live” for Mac shows you a feed of every action someone takes on your communications, letting you follow up in real time, all in one place. It’s slim, unobtrusive, and is the perfect companion to Gmail, Inbox, and any of the other products you use for work. We’ll continue to add functionality to this native desktop experience and are excited to present it to the community!
Yiğit Konur
@olofster Hey Olof, do you plan to add -inbox- module to native app? We can send email and use all secret powers of Mixmax but we could not manage our inbox with your freakin' fast hacks?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Mixmax keeps killin' it... so it's exciting to see their first native app! It's not really an email client — it's more like a companion to whatever native [G]mail apps you might use... it shows who's reading the emails you sent, and letting you track what's going on with the messages you send via Mixmax. Handy.
Emmanuel A. Simon
I love Mixmax..but i don't use this mac app...Soooo Welcomed.
Nicole Landry
@uelsimon this is hilarious, i was googling "mixmax desktop client" and re-found this PH link. AND of course you're here! good to see a familiar face in the comments :)
Hemanth Soni
You guys just keep coming with more and more good stuff! Any chance we can have the preference to hide it from the dock and only show it as a menu bar item? Bit unnecessary for what's basically a notification ticker for me.
Olof Mathé
@hemanth_soni great idea, let's look into that!
Sebastian Rumberg
@olofster @hemanth_soni That sounds really exciting! How much effort do you put into the native app? Things like keyboard shortcuts still make Chrome and Gmail the fastest combination for me. Are these features on the roadmap already? Can't wait to switch :)
Olof Mathé
@rumberg @hemanth_soni Yup 100% on the roadmap, keep the suggestions coming :)
Ty Martin
@rumberg @hemanth_soni What kind of keyboard shortcuts make gmail so fast? That's actually the reason I stick with – better shortcut integration.
Jeff Wear
@rumberg @hemanth_soni What sorts of keyboard shortcuts would you like to see?
Frank Denbow
Wow, you guys are really shipping. I actually wasn't sure how useful this would be but trying it out its pretty helpful to have a quick glance at what hasn't been opened, and helps me cut down on the push notifications for reads which can get distracting. Great work!
Katherine Krug
MixMax is the #1 thing I refer my friends to! #Fangirl
Fredrik Olovsson
Its' great to be informed, I mean who hasn't had to deliver an urgent message to a high-status person (who doesn't bother confirming) and debated whether to send another email, text or call? On the other hand, lately I've found myself scrolling through the Mixmax Live feed without any specific purpose, more than having fun at people's email opening habits or helplessly wondering when I will get a reply :-) Now, to my question: Today during the Mixmax update, I got to see the compose window that Streak CRM ( offers in Gmail and I realized I would have liked some of their buttons available too (like "Add to box"). The native app obviously side-steps other Chrome extensions, but do you plan to cooperate with other major productivity extensions so that complementary features aren't hidden?
Jakob Lipps
It does'nt work, can't compose a message :-(
Jennifer Skene
@jakoblipps Jen here from Mixmax! You caught us just as we were pushing the latest version. Try now!
Esteban Aravena
Is there a plugin for apple mail?
Olof Mathé
@esbvn not for the time being, but our native app hopes to replace Apple Mail for you over time :)
Sahil Chaturvedi
Olof and the Mixmax team are doing an amazing job here. Super polished!
Olof Mathé
@sahilc0 :bow: :thumbs_up: :champagne:
Ryan Teuscher
MIxmax is killing it! Keep up the great work folks.
Ty Martin
Would love to see a full-on desktop replacement, but this is intriguing as a pseudo mail widget. I'm not sure the metaphor of a filtered news feed is necessarily the right one for efficiently leveraging one's inbox, but it'll be interesting to test it. I rely on Mixmax for the power-user sending features (templates, open tracking and open notifications).
Olof Mathé
@tymrtn yeah having ambient awareness of how people are interacting with your communications is definitely a bit of a personal preference thing. Turned out really well in beta testing so keen to hear more how it works for you. Esp. if you'll like sending messages w/o being distracted by your inbox. Looking forward to staying in touch Ty!
Nicole Landry
@olofster @tymrtn Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.... just DLed the MixMax Live app. There's no way to see my full inbox (by that I mean a default view of all emails- including what i haven't responded to), is there? Thanks, and thank you for not making me have to use Inbox & Chrome.
Nicole Landry
@olofster @tymrtn Also, I have started testing our Polymail too. They have similar functionality as Mixmax (but no scheduling like Mixmax)... I do like that Polymail is a full-blown email client (and by that I mean has that default view I mention above). Thank you.
Kyle Frost
Mixmax has been one of those things I'm constantly recommending to people lately. They've come a long way, and always with a dedication to usability and great design. I personally don't think I'll use the live feed too much, just doesn't quite gel with how I use email, but the constant iteration and experimentation is great to see.
Olof Mathé
@kylefrost Thanks Kyle, hope you'll like the compose experience in this new app too!
Sasha-Shae W
YYYEEESSSSSS!!!!!! Finally!!!! No longer have to be tied to Chrome to use my beloved MixMax! Awesome stuff..
Olof Mathé
@afroniquely your enthusiasm is infectious! Great to hear. TY.
Ouriel Ohayon
Is that really a new product? Seems more like a wrapper in a native Mac app of the chrome extension
Olof Mathé
@ourielohayon yup a new product, it's a companion to the add-on for Gmail and Google Inbox. You can compose w/o the distractions of your inbox (e.g., via menubar icon), and it makes analytics easier to follow. Expect many more updates. Hope that clarifies!
Ouriel Ohayon
@olofster but you already released a live feed for email ? What's new ? The fact it's a Mac app?
Olof Mathé
@ourielohayon Yup, you’re correct that we have a live feed in the dashboard. This is quite different in terms of how you use it since it’s a side by side companion. Try it and I think you’ll notice the difference. Then of course being able to send email w/o going to your inbox is a huge improvement, at least in the eyes of beta testers :) More to come, it auto-updates…
Ouriel Ohayon
@olofster @ourielohayon well, it s mostly a Mac wrapper of the your existing feature. Oh, sure you added the composer...but again not a new feature. The reason i am pushing is that we tend to see on product hunt too many micro iterations of some features vs really new versions or products. it s great your community like it, but that is a different topic
Ben Erez
Love Mixmax! I've been a gmail Mixmax user for over a year and the Mac app is a welcome addition to my productivity tools 😀
✨Lauralynn Stubler✨
love mixmax already, cant wait to try this!
Olof Mathé
@lauralynnz we're excited!
Big fan of the product here. Been using it to streamline calendar invites, do quick polls, track opens and (of course) to gif my emails out. This is a welcome addition, smoother workflow to just leave it up on a side monitor for quicker access than keeping an additional browser window open. PS. according to the header in my Mailbox app you're shipping MixMax for iOS in 77 days right? right?!? :)
Olof Mathé
@bjorntastic your wish. our command :bow:
Avery Haskell
How do I add multiple accounts?
Olof Mathé
@averyhaskell we're adding a switcher, for now log out and then in to another account via the dropdown under your profile pic!
Ken Westgaard
Bummer, need OSX 10.8 to run it... :( But I DO love MixMax! :)