✎ Andrew Warner

Mixergy Startup Stories - Learn from 1000+ interviews including the Product Hunt story

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Espree Devora 🎙
I'll up vote anything Mixergy. It consistent + quality + actionable
✎ Andrew Warner
@espreedevora Thanks for being so encouraging and supportive over the years.
✎ Andrew Warner
@espreedevora @yvoschaap the first few years I struggled a lot with publishing consistently without hurting quality. As entrepreneurs saw that being interviewed wasn't such a scary thing, it became easier.
David Spinks
@espreedevora agreed. Been watching Andrew's interviews since I first got started as an entrepreneur. Always learned something new.
✎ Andrew Warner
Thanks @davidspinks. Next time I guest holds back in a pre-interview with me, I'll show or tell her about your comment so she'll understand why I sweat the details.
Eric Willis
I like reading the transcripts for this podcast. I think I've read all of them over the years. Andrew really pushes to get a very deep understanding of the person he's interviewing.
✎ Andrew Warner
@erictwillis I resisted transcripts for so long because they can be expensive and time consuming. Once I added them I realized that many people prefer text over audio or video. I'm glad the audience (and interviewees like @neilpatel) pushed me to add transcripts.
Ryan Hoover
@andrewwarner thanks again for having me on! It was an honor. :) Who are you dying to interview that hasn't already been on the show?
✎ Andrew Warner
@rrhoover Any big named guest is good for drawing an audience. So Richard Branson, Elon Musk, etc. But frankly, the bigger guests are so practiced at giving their answers that they rarely give new insight. My ideal are people like Eric Ries, before he was a household name in the business world. Or Emmett from Twitch before he sold his company. Both of them had proven track records (not empty theories). They knew how to teach their methods. And they were open to challenging questions.
Hands down one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs out there. Andrew has the best guests. Interviews are indebth and the learnings are practical and useful. @RRHoover was one of his recent guests.
✎ Andrew Warner
@lekanb Thanks. I'm fascinated by how @RRHoover grows this community. For example, I got a tweet from him this morning about my participation here.
Conrad Barrett
I've been hooked since @gohnjanotis put me on - great work @andrewwarner
✎ Andrew Warner
@conradd That's been my only promotion until this year. Interviewees and supporters spread the word. I hired @sachitgupta to book me on other interview sites so I could start reaching more people.
Joseph Hsieh
Which interviews are your favorite? Curious.
✎ Andrew Warner
@webjoe Check out Ryan's. You'll see why this community is growing so fast. And for starting a business, one of my all time favorites is Emmett from Twitch. He had such a clear process for talking to users and figuring out what to build. I studied him more than anyone else. http://mixergy.com/interviews/em...
Rob Woodbridge
Inspiration in your ears. Everyday.
✎ Andrew Warner
@robwoodbridge Good seeing you in person at Mixergy hq.
Dan Putt
One of my favorite podcasts for entrepreneurs. I'm a big @andrewwarner fan - truly a great guy who cares about supporting and educating entrepreneurs.
✎ Andrew Warner
@danputt you guys at reboot are phenomenal. You go deep. That's where the value is. That's when we understand the interviewee and through him/her we have insight into ourselves.
Sloane Davidson
Huge Mixergy supporter and fan since 2008. Upvote all the way! @andrewwarner
✎ Andrew Warner
@sloane And an early guest. And you were a cohost when we did live events, before Mixergy was about interviews. Thanks for the support!
Matt Inouye
@andrewwarner Such an amazing resource! Any way you could also index interviews by company? If name isn't in the title it's a bit tricky to find (e.g. searching for product hunt doesn't bring back any results).
✎ Andrew Warner
@minouye check out http://mixergy.com/interviews It should do what you want and I'm working on a v2.0 of that.
Eric Bahn
Mixergy was (and is) one of the best resources I know for startup founders. Heck yes this gets an upvote from me!
✎ Andrew Warner
@ericbahn Thanks. You were one of the first listeners.
Adarsh Pallian
Love Andrew and his non-stop hustle with Mixergy.
✎ Andrew Warner
@pallian duuuuuude. So good to see you here. When I met you, I was using a free WP theme. You helped me out. You redesigned the site. And suddenly interviewees were taking me more seriously. Speaking of design, I love the Trippeo experience.
William Channer
@andrewwarner is the interview king. Best in the game. Inspired a whole new wave of podcasters, myself included.
✎ Andrew Warner
@williamchanner Thanks! Congrats on your site's growth. I'm proud to have helped and to continue to help in any way I can.
Colin-Kirk Hodge
@andrewwarner brings an uniquely insightful, well-researched, and friendly approach to interviewing entrepreneurs that shines through in each episode. I really enjoyed my interview with him and I recommend Mixergy to every entrepreneur!
✎ Andrew Warner
@colinkirkhodge Man, thanks for that. Feels motivating to see it.
Jonathan Cordeau
Agree with all the Mixergy love. @andrewwarner has been a constant in the startup/tech/entrepreneurial scene for years. I remember listening to his interviews and learning from them when I started my first business back in 2009. Lots of lessons I still pull from today.
✎ Andrew Warner
@jonathancordeau Thanks for saying that. That's my mission.
Matt Tsymbal
You need to work with design a bit more. but i like the idea
Matthew Smith
Proud to have worked with you on designing this @andrewwarner. Congrats on a very great launch.
Ted Blosser
gets me through my daily commute! thanks for providing such great interviews.